20 Most Important Conjunctions in Persian with Examples

Conjunctions, in any language including Persian, are words that connect words, phrases, clauses or sentences. Here are 20 of the most common conjunctions in Persian, along with their meanings and examples:

Video of Persian conjunctions

What are conjunctions?

Conjunctions or واژگان ربطی are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses. They serve as linguistic glue, holding sentences together and expressing relationships between different parts of speech. These relationships can include addition (and – و), contrast (but – اما), cause and effect (because – زیرا), time (when- هنگامی که), condition (if – اگر), and more. Conjunctions are essential for creating clear and coherent communication in any language.

Learning Persian conjunctions is essential for Persian students to master the flow and coherence of their sentences. Conjunctions, like “و” (and), “ولی” (but), and “زیرا” (because), link words, phrases, and clauses, helping to create complex, nuanced expressions. Without these connectors, students’ communication would be choppy and fragmented, making it challenging to convey clear and concise ideas. Mastery of conjunctions allows students to articulate thoughts more fluidly, enhancing both their written and spoken Persian.

Coordinating Conjunctions

  1. و (va): And
    • مثال: بیتا و ستاره دوست هستند. (Bita and Setareh are friends.)
  2. یا (ya): Or
    • مثال: تو چای یا قهوه می خواهی؟ (Do you want tea or coffee?)
  3. اما (ama): But
    • مثال: او ثروتمند است اما خوشحال نیست. (He is rich but not happy.)
  4. بلکه (balke): But rather
    • مثال: او نه تنها درس خوان نیست بلکه تنبل هم هست. (He is not only studious but also lazy.)

Subordinating Conjunctions

  1. که (ke): That, who, whom
    • مثال: کتابی که خواندم خیلی جالب بود. (The book that / which I read was very interesting.)
  2. چون (chon): Because
    • مثال: چون باران می آید، من بیرون نمی روم. (Because it’s raining, I won’t go out.)
  3. اگر (agar): If در جملات شرطی
    • مثال: اگر فردا باران نبارد، به پارک می رویم. (If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park.)
  4. وقتی (vaghti): When
    • مثال: وقتی او رسید، من خواب بودم. (When he/she arrived, I was sleeping.)
  5. تا (ta): Until
    • مثال: تا ساعت 10 کار می کنم. (I work until 10 O’clock.)
  6. هرچند (harchand): Although
  • مثال: هرچند او ثروتمند است، ولی خوشحال نیست. (Although he is rich, he is not happy.)
  1. در حالی که (dar hali ke): While
  • مثال: در حالی که او کار می کرد، من استراحت می کردم. (While he was working, I was resting.)
  1. مگر اینکه (magar ke): Unless
  • مثال: مگر اینکه باران بیاید، به پارک می رویم. (Unless it rains, we will go to the park.)

Correlative Conjunctions

  1. نه تنها… بلکه (na tanha… balke): Not only… but also
  • مثال: نه تنها او درس خوان نیست بلکه تنبل هم هست. (Not only is he studious, but also he’s lazy.)
  1. هم… هم (ham… ham): Both… and
  • مثال: هم رامین و هم پدرام به سینما رفتند. (Both Ramin and Pedram went to the cinema.)
  1. یا… یا (ya… ya): Either… or
  • مثال: یا چای می خواهی یا قهوه؟ (Do you want either tea or coffee?)

Other Conjunctions

  1. و اما (va amma): But then
    • او ابتدا مخالف بود، و اما بعد از شنیدن توضیحاتم موافقت کرد
    • At first, she disagreed, but then she agreed after hearing my explanation.
  2. و یا (va ya): Or else
    • باید زودتر بیایی و یا اتوبوس را از دست خواهی داد
    • You should come earlier or else you will miss the bus.
  3. پس (pas): So
    • باران می‌بارد، پس ما نمی‌توانیم بیرون برویم
    • It’s raining, so we can’t go out.
  4. زیرا (ziira): Because
    • من نمی‌توانم به مهمانی بیایم زیرا بیمار هستم
    • I can’t come to the party because I’m sick.
  5. اگرچه (agarche): Although
    • اگرچه او خیلی تلاش کرد، اما موفق نشد
    • Although she tried very hard, she didn’t succeed.
  6. علاوه بر این (a-la:veh bar i:n) in addition, additionally
    • او نه تنها زبان انگلیسی، بلکه زبان فرانسه را هم صحبت می‌کند. علاوه بر این، او می‌تواند اسپانیایی را کمی درک کند.
    • He speaks not only English but also French. In addition, he can understand Spanish a little.
  7. ولی (va-li:) = but
    • من آن فیلم را تماشا کردم، ولی آن را دوست نداشتم. I watched the film, but I didn’t like it.
بهترین سامانه جمله سازی آنلاین فارسی برای کودکان و نوجوانان
Learn Persian conjunctions to improve your grammar knowledge and make better sentences in Farsi.

Note: These are just some of the most common conjunctions in Persian. There are many other conjunctions that can be used depending on the context. On the other hand, understanding conjunctions is crucial for academic and professional success. In essays, reports, and presentations, proper use of conjunctions ensures that arguments are logically structured and easy to follow. This skill not only improves comprehension for the reader or listener but also demonstrates a high level of linguistic proficiency. By integrating conjunctions effectively, Persian students can elevate the quality of their communication, making their points more persuasive and their overall expression more sophisticated.

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