Summary Writing Happy Life

summary writing LELB Society

Summary Writing Happy Life Summary Writing Happy Life Summary Written by LELB Society’s Students Summary writer: Sasan These days, most people are preoccupied with the thoughts that help them become rich and famous. People make any endeavor to achieve affluence and fame so as to inject enough excitement to their life. However, the question is …

Environmental Issues IELTS Writing Task 2

Residue Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Environmental Issues IELTS Writing Task 2 Environmental Issues IELTS Writing Task 2 There has been much controversy over the most devastating environmental issues threatening mankind on earth. Some environmentalists contend that global warming is a major concern, while others believe that deforestation could cause even graver consequences. Which one of these threats seems to be more serious from …

History of Books IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Best Resources to Learn Persian through Literature

History of Books IELTS Listening Reading Practice History of Books IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Julie Dreyfuss on TED-Ed History of Books IELTS Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube What is a book? What makes a book a book? Is it just anything that stores and communicates information? Or does it have to do with …

Summary Writing Positive Thinking

summary writing LELB Society

Summary Writing Positive Thinking Summary Writing Positive Thinking Summary Written by LELB Society’s Students Sasan A successful person needs to care about the materialistic and spiritual aspects of life simultaneously. As a result, there is an integrity which leads to flourishing. In fact, the way you think about your mission, duty, success, etc. is rooted …

Brain Energy IELTS Listening Reading Practice

How to increase dopamine naturally with 10 proven tips, video, podcast and list of new vocabulary for ESL students

Brain Energy IELTS Listening Reading Practice Brain Energy IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Richard E. Cytowic on TED-Ed Brain Energy IELTS Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube Brain energy An enduring myth says we use only 10% of our brain, the other 90% standing idly by for spare capacity. Hucksters promised to unlock that hidden …

The Lion and The Mouse Storytelling in English

Storytelling in English LELB Society

The Lion and The Mouse Storytelling in English The Lion and The Mouse Storytelling in English Story Told by LELB Society’s Students Sasan Once the king of forest was sleeping in the jungle, a nutty mouse saw it and commenced playing on the lion’s body, running up to tail ad slipping down the tail. Suddenly, …

Stay Calm IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Presentation in English for students to practice speaking and receive professional feedback

Reading and listening practice on how to stay calm in crucial moments with a video and its transcript Listening practice on how to stay calm Lecturer, author or publisher: Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen on TED-Ed YouTube Channel Watch this video on YouTube Reading practice on how to stay calm Your favorite athlete closes in …

Energy Production IELTS Writing Task 1

Energy Production IELTS Writing Task 1 LELB Society

Energy Production IELTS Writing Task 1 Energy Production IELTS Writing Task 1 Instructions The pie charts above show the comparison of various types of energy production in France in two years. Write a report that compares the different portions of energy production displayed in the two pie charts. LELB Society’s Student: Sasan The charts demonstrate the amount …

Social Skills IELTS Listening Reading Practice

English vocabulary about social life

Social Skills IELTS Listening Reading Practice Social Skills IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: The School of Life Social Skills IELTS Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube What are social skills? It can be easy to imagine that we possess reasonable social skills because we know how to maintain conversation with strangers, and every now …

English Presentation Handedness and Neurology

Definition of Neurology in visual dictionary and thesaurus

English Presentation Handedness English Presentation Handedness Watch this video on YouTube LELB Society’s Lecturer: Hanieh Karkhaneh Handout Provided by the Lecturer What is the proportion of right-handed people to the whole population? Explain the people’s overall attitude toward right-handedness and left-handedness. Criticize many teachers‘ strategy to teach the lefty. What privileges are generally granted exclusively to …