IELTS Essay on Continuous Assessment with Correction

IELTS Essay on Continuous Assessment

IELTS Essay on Continuous Assessment IELTS Essay on Continuous Assessment Topic Some educators maintain that final examinations should be replaced with continuous assessment during the term to assess students’ genuine competence. To what extent do you concur with this point of view? Essayist: Sassan It is crystal clear that evaluating students is an essential part of…

Whimsical – English Flashcard for Whimsical for IELTS

Whimsical - English Flashcard for Whimsical - LELB Society

Whimsical Whimsical (adj) /ˈwɪm.zɪ.kəl/ slightly unusual in a humorous and amusing way – odd – witty – bizarre – peculiar – fanciful – imaginative – erratic: Whimsical in context His whimsical sense of wry humor in the face of life vicissitudes had literally stunned his acquaintances. The artist’s studio was filled with whimsical creations, each…

Free English Webinar on Comfort Zone for IELTS

Free English Webinar on Comfort Zone

Free English Webinar on Comfort Zone Free English Webinar on Comfort Zone What is comfort zone? The comfort zone of a person is referred to a situation where he/she is not at stake and does not confront with possible challenges. Staying and being in the comfort zone is mostly their choice that is chosen intentionally.…

Shrug – English Flashcard for Shrug with Synonyms

Shrug - English Flashcard

Shrug Shrug /ʃrʌg/ (noun & verb) to raise and lower your shoulders to show that you don’t care about something, ignore, treat lightly, make light of, overlook, disregard, pay no attention to, sign, gesticulation: Shrug in context Although many attempts were made to make my neighbor aware of his disturbance to local residents, he simply…

Sign Language – English Flashcard for Sign Language

Sign Language - English Flashcard

Sign language Sign language (noun) The use of body language and nonverbal communication to interact with each other, especially among the deaf or hearing-impaired people, communication by gestures: Sing language in context Knowing sign language is a vital versatility for the people who live with a hearing-impaired person. It is so wonderful that deaf people can take…

Scowl – English Flashcard for Scowl with Synonyms

Scowl | English Flashcard for Scowl - LELB Society

Scowl Scowl (noun & verb) /skaʊl/ (noun & verb) to look at someone in an angry and threatening way – frown – glower – look daggers – dirty look Scowl in context The unruly student scowled at his serious teacher and sat down in silence. As Emily walked into the room, she couldn’t help but…

English Vocabulary about Laziness for IELTS


English Vocabulary about Laziness English Vocabulary about Laziness Drag one’s feet (idiom) to do something slowly because you do not want to do it Watch this video on YouTube The advertiser was dragging his feet owing to non-payment for his previous work. The painter dragged his feet until he got ensured about receiving a good…

Nonverbal – English Flashcard for Nonverbal for IELTS

Nonverbal - English Flashcard

Nonverbal Nonverbal / nɒnvɜb ə l /(adj) Nonverbal means the state of communicating with others without the aid of words and sentences, nonlinguistic transmission of information, not involving words, silent, mute, mime, gestured, telepathic: Nonverbal in context Scowling is an apparent example of nonverbal communication. Were you to use nonverbal communication, you would not be…

Nod – English Flashcard for Nod with Synonyms

Nod - English Flashcard

Nod Nod /nɒd/ (noun & verb) to move your head to show your agreement, bow, move up and down, shake, permission, signal, sign: Not in context The tour guide asked us to nod our understanding of his accent. Is it boastful to nod, when it comes to a marriage proposal? As the meeting progressed, Lucy made a compelling argument…