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Self-conscious – English Flashcard for Self-conscious

self-conscious LELB Society

Self-conscious Self-conscious (adj) /ˌselfˈkɒn.ʃəs/ US /-ˈkɑːn-/ much too uncomfortable and concerned with your appearance, actions and presence in public places – ill at ease – awkward: Being the only conference member who didn’t have a PhD, I was feeling self-conscious like a fish out of water.

English Question about Social Life for Discussion

English Question about Social Life for Discussion

English Question about Social Life English Question about Social Life What are you looking for when you converse with people? What kinds of things do you usually discuss? Are there other things that would be more interesting to you? Please respond to this question in the interactive comment form below to have a detailed discussion…

Learn Colors in French in Context (épisode 3)

Learn Colors in French

Learn Colors in French Learn Colors in French Salut. Dans cet épisode de nos histoires françaises, nous aimerions parler de couleurs en français. Bita a un jouet coloré, ce qui est vraiment spécial pour elle. Ce jouet spécial est composé d’une barre verticale avec 9 anneaux de couleurs différentes. Par exemple, rouge, orange, jaune, bleu,…

Weekdays in French with Flashcards (épisode 4)

Weekdays in French

Weekdays in French Weekdays in French Il y a sept jours dans une semaine et chaque jour, Bita, Hajar et moi faisons des choses différentes. En Iran, où nous vivons actuellement, la semaine commence par samedi. Bita va à la maternelle les jours pairs, c’est-à-dire samedi, lundi et mercredi. D’autre part, les jours impairs, c’est-à-dire…

Sleep Fast and Peacefully at Night

Sleep fast and peacefully

Sleep fast and peacefully Source: https://www.healthline.com Author: Christal Yuen Watch this video on YouTube. This practice is said to even work for people who need to sleep sitting up! The military method Relax your entire face, including the muscles inside your mouth. Drop your shoulders to release the tension and let your hands drop to…