Extant 1100 Words You Need Week 20 Day 3

Extant 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 3 with flashcards at LELB Society for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Extant 1100 Words You Need Extant 1100 Words You Need /ekˈstænt/ (adj) describing something which is old but still existing, still in existence, present, surviving, existent, living: Another point to consider is the following. An object’s causal efficacy may depend on what happens to other objects. E.g., the efficacy of a particular copy of a …

A Lick And A Promise 1100 Words You Need Week 20

A lick and a promise 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 2 at LELB Society with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

A lick and a promise A lick and a promise a hasty and careless wash or cleaning, a hasty wash, superficially dealing with tasks and things, whitewash The phrase “a lick and a promise” means a chore done hastily, carelessly without any effort or an incomplete task. It is mostly used in terms of painting, …

Puberty Stages in English – Medical Terms in English

Puberty stages in English at LELB Society with flashcards for IELTS and TOEFL candidates

Puberty stages in English Puberty stages in English The word puberty is derived from the Latin pubertas , which means adulthood. Puberty is initiated by hormonal changes triggered by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which stimulates the pituitary gland, which in turn activates other glands as well. These changes begin about a …

Disparate 1100 Words You Need Week 20 Day 2

Disparate 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 2 at LELB Society with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Disparate 1100 Words You Need Disparate 1100 Words You Need /ˈdɪs.pər.ət/ (adj) completely different and various, incongruous, dissimilar, unlike, distinct, unrelated, contrasting, impertinent “At the beginning of the project we thought, maybe we need to have a narrator to lay out some of the history, maybe show the connections, the ligaments that connect the joints …

پاسخ Meaning in Farsi – Learn Persian Online

پاسخ Meaning in Farsi

پاسخ Meaning in Farsi پاسخ Meaning in Farsi /pāsox/ (noun) Watch this video on YouTube English: reply, response, answer French: Réponse Farsi: جواب Verb: پاسخ دادن، پاسخ گفتن، پاسخگو بودن Antonym: سوال Examples: .به پرسش های امتحانی پاسخ می دهیم We answer exam questions. .پاسخ نامه را در اولین فرصت ارسال کنید Send a reply …

غذا Meaning in Farsi – Learn Persian Online

غذا Meaning in Farsi

غذا Meaning in Farsi غذا Meaning in Farsi /qazā/ (noun) Watch this video on YouTube English: food, meal, nutrition French: Aliments Farsi: خوراک، طعام، خوردنی Verb: غذا خوردن، غذا دادن Other: پیش غذا، تغذیه، وعده غذایی، چاشنی غذا Examples: .صبحانه، نهار و شام وعده های اصلی غذا هستند Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the main …

منتظر Meaning in Farsi – Learn Persian Online

منتظر Meaning in Farsi

منتظر Meaning in Farsi منتظر Meaning in Farsi /montazer/ (Adjective) Watch this video on YouTube English: waiting, expectant French: Attendre Farsi: امیدوار، چشم به راه Verb: منتظر شدن، منتظر بودن، منتظر ماندن Noun: انتظار Examples: .برای گرفتن پاسخ باید منتظر بمانید You have to wait to get an answer. .مادر مدت زیادی منتظر برگشتن پسرش …

Reading Practice on Generation Gap with Flashcards

Reading practice on generation gap with flashcards at LELB Society for IELTS candidates

Reading practice on generation gap Reading practice on generation gap Watch this video on YouTube What Is a Generation Gap? A generation gap refers to the chasm that separates the thoughts expressed by members of two different generations. More specifically, a generation gap can be used to describe the differences in actions, beliefs, and tastes …

English Class on Discord on Meditation Benefits

English class on Discord on meditation benefits as a webinar for IELTS candidates at LELB Society

English class on Discord English class on Discord on meditation benefits Watch the video podcast of this English class on Discord. Watch this video on YouTube Join our free IELTS class on Discord by joining our Discord server. English Class on Discord on Meditation Benefits There are thousands of studies that have shown mindfulness meditation …

Repose 1100 Words You Need Week 20 Day 2

Repose 1100 words you need to know week 20 day 2 with flashcards for IELTS, TOEFL & GRE

Repose 1100 Words You Need /rɪˈpəʊz/ (noun & verb) Noun: a state of rest or relaxation, a state of inactivity, restfulness, sleep, ease, leisure, peace, stillness, tranquility Verb: to rest or lie, take rest, relax, take it easy, stretch out, lounge, recline, lie down So far in this book our self-regulatory pyramid has been in …