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English Presentation NASA and Space Exploration

Published on June 21st, 2018 | Last updated on August 19th, 2022 by | Category: English Presentations to Practice Speaking | 13 Comments on English Presentation NASA and Space Exploration | 103 Views | Reading Time: 2 minutes

English Presentation NASA

English Presentation NASA

Handout Provided by the Lecturer

  1. When and how was NASA founded?
  2. What is the genre of the movie, Armageddon?
  3. What is the main plot of this movie?
  4. What was the end result of NASA’s collaboration with Speedo Company in 2008?
  5. Who or what are extraterrestrials?
  6. Why can’t astronauts use pens to write in the space?
  7. Please mention some of the inventions by NASA.
  8. Why couldn’t the Apollo 11 astronauts get any life insurance?
  9. Why was NASA sued in 1997, and what was the result of the prosecution?
  10. How can you earn money by cooperating with NASA?

Corrective Feedback

  1. I suppose you didn’t say: cast light on. Instead, you said something else. It was not that clear, though.
  2. Creatures in other planets :arrow: … on other planets
  3. you can get some text it :arrow: you can get some text messages / you will be texted
  4. Mispronunciations:
    1. Mars: /mɑːz/ US /mɑːrz/

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Topic: English Presentation NASA

LELB Society’s Lecturer: Sasan

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13 comments on “English Presentation NASA and Space Exploration”

  1. unfortunately, I didn’t notice many words about this lecture.
    may I ask Dr.Hariri make us a video podcast about the words used in the lecture?

    • Thank you for making this request. Unfortunately, I cannot transcribe and define all the words used in this 6-minute presentation. However, I can show you how to transcribe any audio or video file.
      1. Go to Google Docs.
      2. Go to the tab of Tools.
      3. Select Voice Type from Tools Tab.
      4. Play any video or audio file, and Voice Typing will start transcribing the entire file to you.
      I hope you’ll find it useful.

  2. 4- What is the genre of the movie, Armageddon?

    (1) fiction movie (2) non-fiction movie (3) scientific movie (4) the answers 1 and 3 are right

  3. Some of my true wish
    When I was a child it was one of my most important wishes to be part of NASA.
    Now I am thinking that it was my best wishes that never happened to me and I became nothing.
    A weird thing comes to mind if I hadn’t such a most important wish then what did I become!?

  4. 3- When and how was NASA founded?

    At first, let me tell you that This company was founded 1958 actually in association with US government.

  5. 2 – Is it the right story that NASA spend much money and time to make a pen who work carefully in the space? They didn’t know what method do Russian astronauts use. After about one year and a failed project to make that pen they understood that Russians use PENCIL. Simple and useful? :D

  6. 1- I Think NASA made herself stronger during cold war. It was a chance for NASA to receive more from US Government. What was other relationship between NASA’s activity and cold war ?


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