Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl, PhD in TEFL

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl and his resume or CV at LELB Society, a PhD holder in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), author, researcher, website developer and creator of LELB Society

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl’s Personal Information

My resume is available online at: https://lelb.net/about-us/about-me/

  • First name: Mohammad Hossein
  • Last name: Hariri Asl
  • Nationality: Iranian
  • Contact me

Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl and LELB Society

LELB Society is on WordPress to meet its student needs perfectly as an online bilingual academy of English and Persian

My name is Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl and I’m the creator of LELB Society. LELB Society is my crowning achievement and I’m really proud of it because it’s always been such a great source of inspiration to me. From its foundation back in July 2015, I’ve been working continuously on the betterment of this online community or wiki on WordPress day in, day out.

Running LELB Society on WordPress has encouraged me to acquire much technical knowledge on website development. I’m constantly updating my expertise in website management and WordPress as a pioneer content management system (CMS). Consequently, I’m now providing website management and development services for some people and companies.

Learn vocabulary in context with images

As a creative and intuitive person, I’ve been able to develop the most advanced English vocabulary learning platform in real context with images in the entire world over the last 6 years, including all vocabulary items from the best-selling vocabulary books, namely 11000 Words You Need to Know, 504 Absolutely Essential Words, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam, GRE Vocabulary Flashcards, and others.


  • High school diploma from Dr. Khazaeli School, a special school for the blind in Tehran, Iran in 2002 with straight A’s
  • Iran Language Institute (ILI) graduate in Tehran, Iran in 2004
  • BA graduate in English Literature from Allameh Tabatabaii University in Tehran, Iran in 2006
  • MA graduate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) in Tehran, Iran in 2008 with straight A’s in all semesters
    • MA dissertation title: The Influence of Classroom Management Techniques upon Effective Teaching and Learning among Advanced Iranian University Students of English
  • PhD holder in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from Islamic Azad University (Science & Research Branch), Tehran, Iran in 2018


  1. Hariri Asl, M. H., & Marandi, S. (2017). Peer-assessment and student-driven negotiation of meaning: Two ingredients for creating social presence in online EFL social contexts. Issues in Language Teaching, 6(1), 117-144. doi:10.22054/ILT.2017.8421
  2. Hariri Asl, M. H., Marandi, S. S., & Maftoon, P. (2021). Collaborative flipped learning through CALL: A recipe for realizing social presence in virtual learning environments. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, 9(35), 95-114.
  3. Mosallanejad, P., & Hariri Asl, M. H. (2010). Essentials of practical writing. Tehran, Iran:  Sepahan Publication, Inc. ISBN: 978-600-5659-52-8 (This is a university coursebook taught in many language faculties of Iranian universities. I was also in charge of layout, drawing and typesetting of this university coursebook.)
  4. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). A Night in the Cemetery. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/a-night-in-the-cemetery-dr-mohammad-hossein-hariri-asl/
  5. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Declarative vs procedural knowledge in language learning. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/declarative-vs-procedural-knowledge/
  6. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). The role of imitation in language acquisition + best tips. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/the-role-of-imitation-in-language-acquisition/
  7. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Processability theory in SLA best explanation & practices. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/processability-theory-in-sla/
  8. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Tyler’s Ends-Means Model in curriculum development. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/tylers-ends-means-model/
  9. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Body language in teaching English with best practices. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/body-language-in-teaching-english/
  10. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Systematicity and variability in language acquisition. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/systematicity-and-variability-in-language-acquisition/
  11. Hariri Al, M. H. (2023). طلوع شب – شعر و دل نوشته ای از دکتر محمد حسین حریری اصل. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/%d8%b7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%b9-%d8%b4%d8%a8-%d8%af%da%a9%d8%aa%d8%b1-%d9%85%d8%ad%d9%85%d8%af-%d8%ad%d8%b3%db%8c%d9%86-%d8%ad%d8%b1%db%8c%d8%b1%db%8c-%d8%a7%d8%b5%d9%84/
  12. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Psycholinguistic models in second language learning. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/psycholinguistic-models-in-second-language-learning/
  13. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Learner-centered curriculum for humanistic learning. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/learner-centered-curriculum-humanistic-learning/
  14. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Authentic assessment for English language learners. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/authentic-assessment-for-english-language-learners/
  15. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Explicit corrective feedback in writing for ESL students. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/explicit-corrective-feedback-in-writing/
  16. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Classroom interaction in second language learning. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/classroom-interaction-in-second-language-learning/
  17. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Interactive negotiation of meaning & form in ESL classes. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/interactive-negotiation-of-meaning-form/
  18. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). Genuine interaction in ESL classes through questions. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/genuine-interaction-esl-classes-questions/
  19. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). 10 portfolio assessment advantages in ESL classes. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/10-portfolio-assessment-advantages/
  20. Hariri Asl, M. H. (2023). The history of language curriculum development. LELB Society, https://lelb.net/history-language-curriculum-development/
  21. View 4,000 posts and articles published by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl.

Employment history

  • Founder and chief administrator at LELB Society, an online bilingual academy of English and Persian from 2015 to the present
  • Official instructor in Iran’s Ministry of Education teaching English to the blind and visually impaired students in Karaj, Iran from 2007 to the present
  • Teaching general English courses at Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) in Tehran, Iran from 2010 to 2012
  • Teaching general English courses at Islamic Azad University (East Tehran Branch) in Tehran, Iran from 2010 to 2011

Honors / Awards

  • Owning the patent for Visual Braille System / خط بریل دیداری at Iran’s Patent and Trademark Office with the registry number of 008958 in Tehran, Iran in 2010
  • Holding an award from Dr. Hamid-Reza Haji Babaee, Minister of Education for being a successful and hard-working English instructor teaching the blind and visually impaired students in Karaj, Iran in 2011
  • Holding an award from Dr. Ahmad Mohseni, the dean of Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) in Tehran, Iran for being the top MA student and researcher during the Research Week in 2008
  • Holding an award from Ms. Najmeh Nazemi, the administrator of The Academic Association of Translation at Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) for giving a presentation in English as literary criticism on the English short story, How Much Land Does a Man Need” by Leo Tolstoy in the Motahhari Conference Room of Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) in Tehran, Iran in autumn of 2008

Conferences / Talks

  • Holding dozens of English and persian webinars on a variety of interesting and academic topics on my website found in this category or this YouTube playlist
  • Giving a presentation on “The Effect of Authentic / Alternative Assessment upon Increasing Intrinsic Motivation in Language Learners” in English in the Motahhari Conference Room of Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) in Tehran, Iran in autumn of 2008
  • Giving a presentation in English as literary criticism of the English short story, How Much Land Does a Man Need?” by Leo Tolstoy in the Motahhari Conference Room of Islamic Azad University (South Tehran Branch) in Tehran, Iran in autumn of 2008 and receiving an award for this presentation
  • Presenting the services of LELB Society to the students of Shahid Soltani High School, a special school for talented students in Karaj, Iran on Adobe Connect in autumn of 2020


  • Developing the most comprehensive platform in the world to learn advanced and academic vocabulary in real context with images, definitions, authentic examples, synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech, including all of the vocabulary items of the best-selling vocabulary books, such as 504 Absolutely Essential Words, 1100 Words You Need to Know, 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam, GRE Vocabulary Flashcards, etc. This growing category of English vocabulary consists of over 2500 advanced vocabulary items and the number increases every day
  • Holding the first rank on both Google and Bing for the following queries: “1100 Words You Need to Know flashcards”, “601 Words You Need to Know category”, “504 Absolutely Essential Words category”, “learn vocabulary in context with images”, “English documentaries with transcript“, and “آموزش آنلاین زبان فارسی” which means (learn Persian online in Farsi)
  • Developing over 3,800 original English and Persian lessons on my website enriched with embedded videos from my YouTube channel, text and voice comment forms to account for asynchronous learning, text-to-speech functionality to practice listening comprehension on demand
  • Analyzing and assessing over 200 IELTS essays submitted to me by my online students on my website from 2015 to the present
  • Running an online Persian academy holding the first rank on Google and Bing for over 2 years with over 340 original Persian lessons with videos and dozens of Persian students all around the world
  • Managing my YouTube channel entitled, LELB Society, with over 830 original videos on teaching English and Persian with approximately 3,000 subscribers
  • Inventing the round table activity to implement both synchronous and asynchronous learning merged with flipped learning in online classes. The round table activity can promote skill integration, classroom interaction and peer-assessment to a noticeable degree.

Professional Affiliations

  • Official instructor of English in Iran’s Ministry of Education specialized in teaching students with special needs and disabilities (teaching English to the blind and visually impaired students by using Braille system and technological devices and software programs for students with low vision)
  • Founder, developer, chief administrator, instructor and website programmer at my own website, LELB Society, standing for Learn English to Live Better Society, which is an online bilingual academy of English and Persian, from July 2015 to the present

Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl’s Skills

In this section, an overview of Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl’s skills is presented.

Website Development & Management

Website development and management skills and expertise in the most practical manner on the most popular content management systems (CMSs), namely Drupal, Joomla, Blogger, and especially WordPress from July 2015 to the present

LELB Society is the end result of my practical expertise in website development with 100% WordPress speed optimization calculated by GTmetrix and Google’s PageSpeed Insights.

An SEO Expert

If you study LELB Society review in 2022, you’ll notice that Dr. Hariri has created and published nearly 4100 English and Persian lessons, 110 academic articles, and 900 videos in LELB Society YouTube channel. All these works and content have been optimized for search engines by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl and his team at LELB Society. I’m now offering SEO services to some people and companies as well as digital marketing and website management services.

Knowing French

French is my third language that I practice almost every day. I study and practice this language on my own without attending any classes due to lack of time.

Playing the keyboard

  1. Baby Shark Song for kids by Bita Hariri Asl
  2. English Alphabet Song for Kids by Bita Hariri Asl
  3. آموزش زبان فارسی با آهنگ عروسک قشنگ من قرمز پوشیده
  4. آموزش زبان فارسی با آهنگ توپ سفیدم قشنگی و نازی با ویدیو
  5. آموزش زبان فارسی به کودکان با آهنگ ای زنبور طلایی + ویدیو
  6. جوجه جوجه طلایی برای آموزش زبان فارسی به کودکان
  7. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song by Bita Hariri Asl
  8. Go to the Playing the Keyboard category for all posts.

Writing poetry in both English and Persian

  1. سر همین خیابان – ترجمه ای از شعر چارلز هنسن تاون
  2. Hope – English Poem by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl
  3. جاده ناپیموده ترجمه ای از شعر رابرت فراست با نسخه انگلیسی
  4. طلوع شب – شعر و دل نوشته ای از دکتر محمد حسین حریری اصل

Visual impairment

I was born with a critical visual impairment. My left eye was completely blind and my right eye was just slightly-sighted. I’ve had three surgical operations on both of my eyes so far, and my eyesight is now stabilized. I went to Dr. Khazaeli School, a special school for the blind in Tehran, Iran for 12 years, including primary school, guidance school and high school where I studied with the Braille system. I also have an active handicap dossier registered in Iran’s welfare organization.

Free Education for Persons with Disabilities

As a visually impaired person and educator, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl willingly offers free education to people with disabilities, especially students with visual and hearing disabilities. Students with disabilities can contact us for 100% free membership and subscription at LELB Society. These people are also encouraged to join our team of teachers, authors, and marketers to earn high income and gain online popularity.

Familiarity with Braille System

I was educated at Dr. Khazaeli School with the Braille system, and I’m completely familiar with that. As mentioned in the Honors and Awards section, I’m the patent owner of Visual Braille System officially registered in Iran’s Patent and Trademark Office.

Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl’s quotes

quote LELB Society

To learn more about me from a psychological point of view, I encourage you to study some of my quotes. Click here to study Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl’s quotes. These are just my personal opinions about general aspects of life. I occasionally add further quotes to the list.