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Ameliorate 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 1

Ameliorate 1100 words you need to know week 43 day 1 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Ameliorate 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 1 Ameliorate 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 1 /əˈmiː.ljə.reɪt/ (verb) to improve the quality of something, make an unpleasant situation better, make better, better, make improvements to, boost, benefit, enhance, amend, ease, mitigate, perfect, upgrade, enrich Income growth and access to public transportation are associated…

Throw Cold Water 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 4

Throw cold water 1100 words you need to know week 46 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Throw Cold Water 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 4 Throw Cold Water 1100 Words You Need Week 46 Day 4 to spoil something, cause people to lose interest in something, discourage a plan or idea, pour cold water, be negative about someone’s ideas or plans, act such a wet blanket, question or criticize…

Erudite 1100 Words You Need Week 37 Day 4

Erudite 1100 Words You Need Week 37 Day 4 Erudite 1100 Words You Need Week 37 Day 4 /ˈer.ʊ.daɪt/ (adj) showing or having a lot of specialist knowledge or expertise, very knowledgeable through study, showing great knowledge or learning, learned, scholarly, educated, academic, intellectual, intelligent, bookish, highbrow, cerebral, brainy, well-educated, well-read Erudite Private School is…

Arbitrary 1100 Words You Need Week 7 Day 2

Arbitrary 1100 Words You Need Arbitrary 1100 Words You Need /ˈɑː.bɪ.trə.ri/ (adj) using unlimited personal power without considering other people’s wishes, based on whim, random, authoritarian, subjective, uninformed, chance, illogical, capricious, indiscriminate, haphazard: The company has been the subject of an arbitrary take-over. Antonyms: systematic, planned Adverb: arbitrarily Noun: arbitrariness

Intrepid 1100 Words You Need Week 2 Day 1

intrepid LELB Society

Intrepid 1100 Words You Need Intrepid 1100 Words You Need /ɪnˈtrep.ɪd/ (adj) extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations, audacious, fearless, bold, courageous, valiant, heroic, daring, gallant, plucky, dauntless: a team of intrepid explorers Antonym: cowardly Noun: intrepidity Noun: intrepidness Adverb: intrepidly

Salubrious 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 4

salubrious LELB Society

Salubrious 1100 Words You Need Salubrious 1100 Words You Need Week 32 Day 4 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /səˈluː.bri.əs/ (adj) (of a place) clean, healthy and pleasant to live in, good for health, wholesome, respectable, decent, hygienic For Jenny Carlyon and Diana Morrow…

Obsequious 1100 Words You Need Week 21 Day 1

Obsequious 1100 words you need to know week 21 day 1 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE and TOEFL

Obsequious 1100 Words You Need Obsequious 1100 Words You Need /əbˈsiːkwɪəs/ (adj) extremely eager to please or obey others, submissive, obedient, servile, seeking favor, fawning, sycophantic, flattering, compliant, deferential There is a difference between being self-disciplined and being obedient or obsequious. The intent of completing an act varies from a self-disciplined child and one who…

Largess 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3

Largess 1100 words you need to know week 43 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Largess 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3 Largess 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3 /lɑːˈʒes/ (noun) willingness to give money or charity to the poor, baksheesh, donation, largesse, generosity, money or gifts offered generously, munificence, liberality, bounty, benevolence, handout, gifts, assistance Internationally, two government-run pilot programs have concluded, both ending earlier…

Mollify 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3

Mollify 1100 words you need to know week 43 day 3 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Mollify 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3 Mollify 1100 Words You Need Week 43 Day 3 /ˈmɒl.ɪ.faɪ/ (verb) to make someone less upset or angry, soothe, calm down, allay, soften, appease, reduce the severity of, placate, pacify, conciliate, mitigate, assuage, alleviate, quell, moderate Although, interestingly enough, an entire judicial system (equity) was built…

Whimsical – English Flashcard for Whimsical for IELTS

Whimsical - English Flashcard for Whimsical - LELB Society

Whimsical Whimsical (adj) /ˈwɪm.zɪ.kəl/ slightly unusual in a humorous and amusing way – odd – witty – bizarre – peculiar – fanciful – imaginative – erratic: His whimsical sense of wry humor in the face of life vicissitudes had literally stunned his acquaintances. Antonyms: practical, serious, dependable Noun: whimsicalness Noun: whimsicality Adverb: whimsically