Scald- English Flashcard for Scald for IELTS

Scald - English Flashcard for Scald - LELB Society

Scald Scald (noun & verb) /skɔːld/ US /skɑːld/ verb: to burn someone’s skin with hot liquid or steam – heat liquid – hurt – injure – sterilize – boil: Beware of scalding yourself with that boiling kettle! Antonyms freeze, contaminate Parts of speech Adjective: scalding

Epidemic – English Flashcard for Epidemic for IELTS

Epidemic - English Flashcard for Epidemic - LELB Society

Epidemic Epidemic (adj & noun) /ˌep.ɪˈdem.ɪk/ noun: an outbreak of a disease – a fast-spreading disease, plague – a rapid growth in something – outbreak – outburst – increase – prevalent – widespread: Hundreds of people died on that island due to an epidemic of a viral disease. Antonyms restricted, decrease, quarantined, contained, limited Parts …

Obesity- English Flashcard for Obesity for IELTS

Obesity - English Flashcard for Obesity - LELB Society

Obesity Obesity (noun) /əʊˈbiː.sɪ.ti/ US /oʊˈbiː.sə.ţi/ the state of being obese or extremely fat – overweightness – corpulence – fatness – stoutness: There has been an epidemic of childhood obesity in modern societies. Parts of speech Adjective: obese: extremely fat and overweight Adverb: obesely Antonyms underweight

Magnify – English Flashcard for Magnify for IELTS

Magnify - English Flashcard for Magnify - LELB Society

Magnify Magnify (verb) /ˈmæg.nɪ.faɪ/ to make something seem larger than it really is – increase the size of something – enlarge – expand – amplify – augment – boost: This digital microscope can magnify microbes up to thousand times compared to their real sizes. Windows Magnifier is a versatile accessibility tool designed to assist individuals …

Chiropractor- English Flashcard for Chiropractor for IELTS

Chiropractor - English Flashcard for Chiropractor - LELB Society

Chiropractor Chiropractor (noun) /ˈkaɪ.rəʊ.præk.təʳ/ US /-roʊ.præk.tɚ/ a specialist whose job is to treat diseases by adjusting people’s bones and joints, especially in the spine: Finally, our local chiropractor could treat my chronic backache. After years of struggling with debilitating back pain, Maria finally decided to visit a chiropractor. The first session was eye-opening; the chiropractor …

Obstacle – English Flashcard for Obstacle for IELTS

Obstacle - English Flashcard for Obstacle - LELB Society

Obstacle Obstacle (noun) /ˈɒb.stɪ.kļ/ US /ˈɑːb-/ something or someone that prevents progress – hindrance – impediment – obstruction – problem – difficulty: My biggest obstacle to progress was fear of rejection. In her quest to become a renowned pianist, Sarah faced countless obstacles that tested her resolve. From a lack of financial resources to the …

Ventilate – English Flashcard for Ventilate for IELTS

Ventilate - English Flashcard for Ventilate - LELB Society

Ventilate Ventilate (verb) /ˈven.tɪ.leɪt/ US /-ţəl.eɪt/ to circulate fresh air in an enclosed space – air – air out – freshen – express opinions publicly – make public, publicize, publish: To ventilate the air in the kitchen, let’s open the window for a while. In a boardroom meeting where pivotal decisions are being made, it’s …

Negative – English Flashcard for Negative for IELTS

Negative - English Flashcard for Negative - LELB Society

Negative Negative (adj & noun) /ˈneg.ə.tɪv/ US /-ţɪv/ adj: (of a number) below zero – indicative of “no” – bad, unhappy or unpleasant – pessimistic – lacking – opposite – denial: John’s drastic action in that critical situation had both positive and negative consequences. Antonyms positive, affirmative Parts of speech Noun: negativity Noun: negation Adverb: …

Pension- English Flashcard for Pension with Synonyms

Pension - English Flashcard for Pension - LELB Society

Pension Pension (noun & verb) /ˈpent.ʃən/ noun: a regular amount of money paid by the government or a private company to someone who can no longer work due to old age, physical disability, etc. – retirement fund – retirement pension, fixed income, social security, annuity: They couldn’t make ends meet by solely depending on their …

Vital- English Flashcard for Vital with Synonyms

Vital - English Flashcard for Vital - LELB Society

Vital Vital ( adj) /ˈvaɪ.təl/ US /-ţəl/ extremely important – crucial – essential for life – imperative, fundamental, necessary – vigorous – energetic, vivacious Water is vital for life. Antonyms unimportant, lifeless Parts of speech Noun: vitality Noun: vitalness Adverb: vitally