Know the Ropes 1100 Words
Know the Ropes 1100 Words
to be familiar with a place, system or organization and know how to act effectively, know your way around something, have experience of the appropriate procedures, to be confident and pretty good at doing or using something
This idiom originated from shipping. A sailing ship had many ropes which operated the ship’s sails. Sailors had to learn exactly which rope operated each sail and they also had to learn how to tie many different types of knots. When a sailor knew all of this, he “knew the ropes”.
“There is a new member of staff starting next week. Can someone who knows the ropes please volunteer to show him around?”
Antonym: be like a bull in a china shop, be awkward and clumsy, all thumbs
Farsi: در کاری مهارت داشتن، با شم و خم کاری آشنا بودن