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Conversation Class 41: Internet Addiction

IELTS essay on internet addiction with full essay and deep analysis

English conversation class on internet addiction for ESL students to have a discussion Round Table on internet addiction What is internet addiction? How can we overcome internet addiction? What might happen if you do not try to deal with this addiction properly? Discuss the major causes of internet addiction. Do you think people in the…

English Essay 41: Addiction

IELTS essay on internet addiction with full essay and deep analysis

English essay on addiction written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on addiction One of the byproducts of industrialization is addiction to TV and the internet. In your essay, make it clear which one of these two types of addiction seems to be more haunting and dangerous. Bring reasons to support your…

Essay 12 on Machine Translation & Language Learning

Using ChatGPT for Learning Languages best practices for English and Perisan students

Topic: Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future? Essayist: Taraneh Computers can translate all the languages well, but it can just translate text word by word, not a whole text perfectly. Therefore, it means that our children should learn foreign languages in order…

Essay 17: Computer Dependency in Modern Life

Technology 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 2

Topic: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Essayist: Taraneh Nowadays, computer is an indispensable tool…
