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Learning Vocabulary in Context: 5 Memory Boosters

Learning Vocabulary in Context: 5 Memory Boosters

Ever stared blankly at a vocabulary list, desperately trying to memorize definitions? We’ve all been there. But what if there was a more effective way to build your vocabulary? The key lies in context. Here’s why learning new words within the framework of a sentence or passage is the secret weapon you’ve been missing. Video…

Social Presence in Online Learning with 10 Best Practices

Social presence in online learning to guarantee learner satisfaction and increase interactivity

Do you wonder how to realize social presence in online learning environments, such as online schools, institutes, universities, and the like? In this article, step-by-step, we’ll guide you through developing and reinforcing the sense of social presence to guarantee learner satisfaction and increase student-student interactivity. First, we’ll define social presence in the context of online…
