Definition of Titanic in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms & Antonyms

Definition of Titanic in visual dictionary in context for GRE candidates

Definition of Titanic in visual dictionary and thesaurus in real context with authentic examples, synonyms and antonyms to practice reading comprehension and improve your academic vocabulary Definition extremely large, strong and powerful, massive, bulky, huge, colossal, enormous, mammoth, gigantic, herculean, gargantuan, monstrous, prodigious, immense, mighty Example Who says you can’t hike or ski, and enjoy…

English Documentary on Chess with Transcript & Video

English documentary on chess with video and transcript for reading and listening practice

English documentary on the history of chess with video and transcript to practice reading and listening comprehension and expand your vocabulary in context Source of documentary: TED-Ed YouTube Channel Listening comprehension Watch this video on YouTube Reading comprehension What is chess? The attacking infantry advances steadily. Their elephants already having broken the defensive line. The…

پرسش چالشی درباره طول عمر برای مکالمه فارسی و تمرین صحبت کردن

Outliving your friends An English question at LELB Society for discussion and conversation

پرسش چالشی درباره طول عمر برای تمرین مکالمه فارسی و صحبت کردن مناسب برای غیر فارسی زبانان و ایده آل برای افزایش دایره واژگان فارسی پرسش چالشی درباره طول عمر در کلاس بعدی فارسی، درباره پرسش های زیر صحبت خواهیم کرد. 1- چقدر سخت خواهد بود که بیشتر از همه زندگی کنید و از دست…

Teeming in Real Context with Images & Synonyms for GRE Candidates

Teeming in visual dictionary and thesaurus for GRE candidates at LELB Society

Definition of Teeming as and advanced vocabulary in real context with authentic examples and synonyms. This word has been illustrated for advanced learners of English Definition swarming and packed, replete, abounding, abundant, profuse, overflowing, jam-packed, thronged, crowded, rife Example Traffic analytics company Inrix puts out annual data on which cities in the world have the…

Definition of Soupçon in Real Context with Images & Synonyms

Definition of Soupçon in visual dictionary and thesaurus in real context

Definition of soupçon in visual dictionary and thesaurus and in authentic context and examples with text-to-speech technology to improve your reading and listening comprehension and expand your advanced vocabulary Definition a very small and infinitesimal amount of something, bagatelle, a small quantity, morsel, trace, touch, suggestion, hint, tiny amount, tinge Example How to remove stains…

Simulacrum in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms & Examples

Definition of Simulacrum in visual dictionary and thesaurus with real examples

Definition of Simulacrum in visual dictionary and thesaurus together with real examples and authentic context and text-to-speech technology to improve your listening comprehension for advanced learners /ˌsɪm.jʊˈleɪ.krəm/ (noun) Definition something that is very similar to something else and represents it, image, copy, duplicate, imitation, ersatz Example The unravelling of a string of shocking old master…

Picayune in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms & Examples

Definition of Picayune in visual dictionary with synonyms and authentic examples for advanced English learners

Definition of Picayune in visual dictionary with synonyms and antonyms used in authentic context and examples to build up your advanced vocabulary /ˌpɪk.əˈjuːn/ (adj) Definition of no or little value, unimportant, trivial, trifling, worthless, paltry, insignificant, inconsequential, picayunish, petty, puny, infinitesimal, minor, lilliputian Example During the lockdown, I was staying in a rural British town…

روخوانی متون فارسی از الف تا خ با ویدیو برای آشنایی با حروف الفبای فارسی

Learn Persian alphabet letter H Jimi & kh at LELB Society - Learn Persian online

تمرین روخوانی متون فارسی از حرف الف تا خ با ویدیو برای آشنایی با حروف الفبای فارسی و تمرین خواندن و نوشتن به ویژه مناسب برای غیر فارسی زبانان Watch this video on YouTube آشنایی با حروف الفبا از الف تا ث برای آشنایی با حروف الفبای فارسی از الف تا ث، این درس را…

Minutiae in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms & Antonyms

Definition of Minutiae in visual dictionary with synonyms and antonyms at LELB Society

Definition of Minutiae in visual dictionary with synonyms and antonyms and in real context with examples for advanced learners of English and GRE candidates /mɪˈnjuːʃɪiː,mʌɪˈnjuːʃɪiː (adj) Definition the small or exact details of something, trivia, particulars, triviality, intricacies, details, ins and outs, niceties, finer points, trivialities, trivial details Example The details are not unimportant even…

Megalopolis in Visual Dictionary with Synonyms & Examples

Definition of Megalopolis in visual dictionary and thesaurus at LELB Society in real context for GRE candidates

Definition of Megalopolis in visual dictionary with synonyms and illustrations and in real context with examples for GRE candidates and advanced ESL learners /ˌmegəˈlɒpəlɪs/ (noun) Definition an extremely large city with high population density, metropolitan area, capital, metropolis Example A megalopolis, sometimes called a megapolis; also megaregion, city cluster or supercity, is a group of…