Marine Definition in Context with Images in Visual Dictionary

Marine definition in context with images in visual dictionary

Marine definition in context with images in visual dictionary from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, marine, in authentic context and improve your reading comprehension as well. Select any word and listen to it to improve your listening comprehension as well. /məˈriːn/ (adj & noun) Marine definition Adjective: of the sea …

Parody Definition in Context with Images & Real Examples

Parody definition in context with images in visual dictionary

Parody definition in context with images and real examples from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, parody, in authentic context and improve your reading comprehension as well. /ˈpær.ə.di/ (noun & verb) Parody definition an amusing or humorous copy or imitation of a piece of writing, music, artist, politician, etc., burlesque, caricature, …

Abrupt Meaning in Context with Images & Synonyms

Abrupt meaning in context with images in visual dictionary

Abrupt meaning in context with images, synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, abrupt, in authentic context to improve your reading comprehension and listen to any selected text. /əˈbrʌpt/ (adj) Abrupt meaning a style of language which is too direct and straightforward and sometimes considered …

Effect of Music on Mind Presentation in English

Effect of music on mind presentation in English with feedback

Effect of music on mind presentation in English given by LELB Society students and members to practice speaking. Join LELB Society students and members and give unlimited presentations or lectures in English. We will analyze your presentations and give you feedback. Effect of music on mind presentation Watch this video on YouTube Reading practice on …

Homeopathy Definition in Context with Images & Examples

Homeopathy definition in context with images in visual dictionary

Homeopathy definition in context with images from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, homeopathy, in authentic context with illustrations and improve your reading comprehension in the most practical way ever. /ˌhəʊ.miˈɒp.ə.θi/ (noun) Homeopathy definition a special medical treatment as a complementary disease treatment system in which ill people are given very …

IELTS Essay on Advertisement with Full Essay + Feedback

IELTS essay on advertisement with feedback and full essay

IELTS essay on advertisement with full essay submitted to us by LELB Society members and students with thorough analysis. Join LELB Society students and members and submit your English and Persian essays to us for scoring and correction. We will analyze your essays carefully and correct your errors or mistakes. IELTS essay question on advertisement …

Anonymous Definition in Context with Images & Synonyms

Anonymous definition in context with images

Anonymous definition in context with images and synonyms used in real examples from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student for advanced ESL students. Learn the word, anonymous, in authentic examples and improve your reading comprehension as well. /əˈnɒn.ɪ.məs/ (adj) Anonymous definition without any name to reveal identity, unidentified, nameless, unknown, unnamed, unspecified lacking distinctiveness …

Monogamy Meaning in Context with Images & Real Examples

Monogamy meaning in context with images and parts of speech in visual dictionary

Monogamy meaning in context with images and real examples from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, monogamy, with synonyms, antonyms and parts of speech about marriage, and improve your reading comprehension as well. /məˈnɒg.ə.mi/ (noun) Monogamy meaning the state of being married only to one person at a time, coupledom, fidelity, …

Exoteric Definition in Context with Images & Synonyms

Exoteric definition in context with images

Exoteric definition in context with synonyms and antonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, exoteric, in real or authentic context with antonyms and parts of speech. /ˌeksəˈterik/ (adj) Exoteric definition likely to be understood by the general public, understandable, understood by all or the majority of people Exoteric in real …

English Presentation on Metaverse + Reading Passage

English presentation on metaverse and new reality on internet

English presentation on metaverse and new reality on the internet with reading comprehension given by LELB Society’s students and members with feedback. Join LELB Society’s students and members and give unlimited presentations in both English and Persian. English presentation on metaverse Watch this video on YouTube Reading practice on metaverse What is the metaverse? The …