Exonerate – English Flashcard for Exonerate for IELTS

Exonerate - English Flashcard for Exonerate for IELTS

Exonerate Exonerate /ɪgˈzɒn.ə.reɪt/ US /-ˈzɑː.nɚ.eɪt/ (verb) to declare that somebody is not guilty of a crime, acquit, set free, exempt, free somebody from blame, absolve, vindicate, forgive, pardon, exculpate: The suspect was exonerated due to lack of evidence against him. Antonyms inculpate, accuse, blame Parts of Speech Noun: exoneration Adjective: exonerative

Opprobrium- English Flashcard for Opprobrium for IELTS

Opprobrium - English Flashcard for Opprobrium - LELB Society

Opprobrium Opprobrium (noun) /əˈprəʊ.bri.əm/ US /-ˈproʊ-/ harsh criticism – scorn – condemnation – disapproval – reproach – shame – disgrace: So much opprobrium was heaped on the teacher for administering corporal punishment on one of his students. Parts of speech Adjective: opprobrious Adverb: opprobriously Antonyms praise, plaudit, dignity, pride

Unconscionable – English Flashcard for Unconscionable

Unconscionable - English Flashcard for Unconscionable - LELB Society

Unconscionable Unconscionable (adj) /ʌnˈkɒn.tʃən.ə.bļ/ US /-ˈkɑːn-/ morally wrong and unacceptable – unreasonable – reprehensible – appalling – shocking and immoral – irrational: Unconscionable in context The company’s decision to dump toxic waste into the river was unconscionable. Not only did it endanger the local wildlife, but it also posed a significant health risk to the…

Pristine – English Flashcard for Pristine for IELTS

Pristine - English Flashcard for Pristine - LELB Society

Pristine Pristine /ˈprɪs.tiːn/ US /prɪˈstiːn/ (adj) immaculate and clean, neat and tidy, clean, perfect, new and in good condition, impeccable, faultless, flawless, unspoiled, untouched: Having no access to a pristine bath in the garrison, I had to make do somehow. After a long hike through the dense forest, we finally reached the secluded mountain lake. The water was…

Tacit – English Flashcard for Tacit with Synonyms

Tacit - English Flashcard for Tacit - LELB Society

Tacit Tacit (adj) /ˈtæs.ɪt/ understood implicitly – indirectly stated – implied but not stated – inferred – not explicit: The two companies could reach only a tacit agreement on the problematic issue. Parts of speech Adverb: tacitly Antonyms explicit

Iconoclast – English Flashcard for Iconoclast for IELTS

Iconoclast - English Flashcard for Iconoclast - LELB Society

Iconoclast Iconoclast (noun) /aɪˈkɒn.ə.klæst/ US /-ˈkɑː.nə-/ someone who opposes traditional beliefs, customs or ideas – maverick – free thinker – individualist – subversive – rebel – nonconformist: Being such an iconoclast, the new CEO has vetoed almost all of the novel lucrative business plans. Antonym conservative

Austere – English Flashcard for Austere with Synonyms

Austere - English Flashcard for Austere - LELB Society

Austere Austere (adj) /ɔːˈstɪəʳ/ US /ɑːˈstɪr/ lacking in comfort – suggesting physical hardship – serious and grim – ascetic – too plain and simple without luxury – unadorned: The edifice has been decorated with austere simplicity. His austere and grim face indicated that he had taken so much offense. Antonyms gentle, comfortable, ornate Parts of…

Naive – English Flashcard for Naive with Synonyms

Naive - English Flashcard for Naive - LELB Society

Naive (adj) /naɪˈiːv/ Naive definition willing to trust people excessively – simple and trusting – unsophisticated and unable to analyze matters critically – inexperienced – gullible – credulous – childlike: Example That would be so naive to think that this simple plan could eradicate all of our problems. Antonyms suspicious, shrewd Parts of speech Noun:…

Torpid – English Flashcard for Torpid with Synonyms

Torpid - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Torpid Torpid /ˈtɔː.pɪd/ (adj) lacking physical or mental energy, sluggish, lazy, languid, sleepy, dreamy, apathetic, stagnant, lethargic: Torpid in context Everyone has a torpid mind when they stay within their comfort zone. The moribund organization is recognizable by its torpid employees. Torpid people who act as a brake on any collaborative effort make me a nervous wreck. Antonyms energetic, vivacious…

Phlegmatic – English Flashcard for Phlegmatic for IELTS

phlegmatic LELB Society

Phlegmatic Phlegmatic: Adjective /flegˈmæt.ɪk/ describes someone who tends not to get emotional or excited about things, lethargic, tired, weary, calm, indifferent: Phlegmatic in context My boss is such a phlegmatic person that any attempt to impress him seems trivial in his eyes. As a footballer his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner. Antonyms nervous Parts of speech Adverb: phlegmatically