Body Language in Teaching English with Best Practices

Using body language in teaching English as a second language for more productivity

Do you like to use body language in teaching English or any other second languages? In this article, you will learn why it is recommended to use body language and nonverbal communication while teaching second or foreign languages. Author: Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl Watch this video on using body language in teaching English Watch…

English Presentation on Emotional Intelligence + Reading

English presentation on emotional intelligence with reading

English presentation on emotional intelligence compared with IQ with reading comprehension to practice your listening, reading and speaking abilities. Join LELB Society’s students and members and give presentations in English and Persian for immediate thorough feedback. English presentation on emotional intelligence Watch this video on YouTube Reading practice on emotional intelligence What is emotional intelligence?…

Shrug – English Flashcard for Shrug with Synonyms

Shrug - English Flashcard

Shrug Shrug /ʃrʌg/ (noun & verb) to raise and lower your shoulders to show that you don’t care about something, ignore, treat lightly, make light of, overlook, disregard, pay no attention to, sign, gesticulation: Shrug in context Although many attempts were made to make my neighbor aware of his disturbance to local residents, he simply…

Sign Language – English Flashcard for Sign Language

Sign Language - English Flashcard

Sign language Sign language (noun) The use of body language and nonverbal communication to interact with each other, especially among the deaf or hearing-impaired people, communication by gestures: Sing language in context Knowing sign language is a vital versatility for the people who live with a hearing-impaired person. It is so wonderful that deaf people can take…

Scowl – English Flashcard for Scowl with Synonyms

Scowl | English Flashcard for Scowl - LELB Society

Scowl Scowl (noun & verb) /skaʊl/ (noun & verb) to look at someone in an angry and threatening way – frown – glower – look daggers – dirty look Scowl in context The unruly student scowled at his serious teacher and sat down in silence. As Emily walked into the room, she couldn’t help but…

Nonverbal – English Flashcard for Nonverbal for IELTS

Nonverbal - English Flashcard

Nonverbal Nonverbal / nɒnvɜb ə l /(adj) Nonverbal means the state of communicating with others without the aid of words and sentences, nonlinguistic transmission of information, not involving words, silent, mute, mime, gestured, telepathic: Nonverbal in context Scowling is an apparent example of nonverbal communication. Were you to use nonverbal communication, you would not be…

Nod – English Flashcard for Nod with Synonyms

Nod - English Flashcard

Nod Nod /nɒd/ (noun & verb) to move your head to show your agreement, bow, move up and down, shake, permission, signal, sign: Not in context The tour guide asked us to nod our understanding of his accent. Is it boastful to nod, when it comes to a marriage proposal? As the meeting progressed, Lucy made a compelling argument…

Gesticulate – English Flashcard for Gesticulate for IELTS

Gesticulate Gesticulate /dʒesˈtɪk.jʊ.leɪt/ (verb) to move your hands and body while speaking, make gestures, wave, air, gesture, signal, beckon, sign, point, indicate: Gesticulate in context In my personal experience, people who are used to gesticulating during speaking, act unnaturally while telling lies. I believe that lack of gesticulation during a speech culminates with monotony. During his animated speech, the professor…

Beckon – English Flashcard for Beckon with Synonyms

beckon LELB Society

Beckon Beckon: Verb /ˈbek.ən/ verb 1. [I or T] to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer, gesture to someone to come, summon, signal, indicate, attract Beckon in context The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter. “Hey you!”, she called, beckoning me over with her finger.…