English Presentation on the History of Fashion

English Presentation on the History of Fashion Given by LELB Society Students

English presentation on the history of fashion given by LELB Society students to practice speaking. Join our students and members and give unlimited lectures and presentations in English. English presentation on the history of fashion Reading practice on the history of fashion The fashion industry, as we know it today, is a relatively recent phenomenon. …

Mass-produced – English Flashcard for Mass-produced

Mass-produced Flashcard LELB Society

Mass-produced Mass-produced (adj) /ˌmæs.prəˈdjuːst/ US /-ˈduːst/ produced or manufactured in large quantities with the use of machinery in factories to be sold at a reasonable cost – machine-made: mass-produced automobiles Parts of Speech Noun: mass-production Verb: mass-produce Antonyms handmade

Cinema – English Flashcard for Cinema for IELTS

Cinema | English Flashcard for Cinema - LELB Society

Cinema Cinema (noun) /ˈsɪn.ə.mə/ Cinema definition moving picture, movies, pictures, film, movie industry, movie theater: Example Whenever American cinema is considered, Hollywood receives so much credit. Parts of speech Noun: cinematography: the art of making motion pictures Adjective: cinematic Adverb: cinematically

IELTS Essay on Developing Countries for Band 5

IELTS Essay on Developing Countries

IELTS Essay on Developing Countries IELTS Essay on Developing Countries Topic Some developing countries receive constant financial support from international welfare programs to sustain their economic growth. Some people maintain that this financial assistance should be replaced with professional consultation and advice from developed countries. Discuss both views and express your opinions. Essayist: Can Siriklioglu Various 3rd world …

IELTS Writing Task 2 Heavy Machinery

I, Robot (2004) Movie Analysis & Film Criticism for Advanced ESL Students based on the English Immersion Program

IELTS Writing Task 2 Heavy Machinery IELTS Writing Task 2 Heavy Machinery Topic These days, many people are losing their jobs due to increasing mechanization and the use of heavy machinery in agriculture and industry. Discuss the pros and cons of this trend in our industrialized life, and express your own opinions about it. Essayist: Sasan Today, …

Conversation 43: Fashion

Coiffure from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Conversation 43: Fashion with questions for English students to have a discussion Relevant Idioms, Proverbs, Expressions, or Quotations on Fashion Go out of fashion: stop being fashionable Fashion industry Fashion sensitive brand loyalty: loyalty to special brands of goods Vogue: mode Questions on fashion and mode Is fashion the same as the exploitation of people …

English Essay 41: Addiction

IELTS essay on internet addiction with full essay and deep analysis

English essay on addiction written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on addiction One of the byproducts of industrialization is addiction to TV and the internet. In your essay, make it clear which one of these two types of addiction seems to be more haunting and dangerous. Bring reasons to support your …

English Essay 40: Robots

Ex Machina movie analysis and review in film criticism course forum for advanced ESL students

English essay on robots and machines written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on robots In some science-fiction or sci-fi movies, for instance, Terminator, we see that robots and machines will become much more intelligent than humans. These movies threaten us that in distant future, we might be subordinate to machines and …

English Essay 37: Space Exploration

English Conversation on Space Exploration for IELTS and TOEFL

English essay on space exploration written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on space exploration Scientists are theorizing about the possibility of living on other planets, e.g. Mars. Do you think we will be able to choose other planets as our abode when the earth is no longer inhabitable Essayist: Sam, LELB …

English Essay 34: Tourism

IELTS essay on tourism with full essay model and essay question + scoring

English essay on tourism industry written by LELB Society’s students to practice writing in the most practical way Essay topic on tourism industry Some people believe that tourism has absolutely positive effects on cultural enrichment. Some others maintain that it basically has recreational benefits. To which group do you mainly belong? Furnish your claim with …