Telepathy Meaning in Context with Images Visual Dictionary

Telepahty meaning in context with images in visual dictionary

Telepathy meaning in context with images and used in real context in visual dictionary from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, telepathy, in authentic context with illustrations to enrich your vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension as well. /təˈlep.ə.θi/ (noun) Telepathy meaning the state of being able to communicate with another…

Effect of Music on Mind Presentation in English

Effect of music on mind presentation in English with feedback

Effect of music on mind presentation in English given by LELB Society students and members to practice speaking. Join LELB Society students and members and give unlimited presentations or lectures in English. We will analyze your presentations and give you feedback. Effect of music on mind presentation Watch this video on YouTube Reading practice on…

English Question on Dream for Free Discussion

English question on dreams for discussion and speaking practice

Practice speaking and writing with this challenging question in English on the importance of dreams in life. Write your comments in the comment box below and get ready for an informative discussion in our online classes. English questions on dreams Is it better to have dreams that will never come to pass, or to have…

Non Compos Mentis 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Non compos mentis from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context

Non Compos Mentis 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context with synonyms, antonyms and illustrations for GRE & SAT candidates and advanced learners of English as a Latin word /ˌnɒnˌkɒm.pəsˈmen.tɪs/ (adj) Definition a person who is mentally ill and therefore not responsible for what they do as they cannot…

Psychic 601 Words You Need to Know

Psychic 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Psychic 601 Words You Need to Know /ˈsaɪ.kɪk/ (adj & noun) Definition Adjective: of human mind, related to a mental problem or illness, cerebral, mental, psychological, psychical – possessing special and supernatural mental abilities to foresee and predict the future, supersensible, supersensory, extrasensory, mysterious, unexplained, intuitive, clairvoyant, telepathic Noun: a person with psychic abilities to…

Use Creativity to Start Up a Business successfully and Effectively

Use creativity to start up a-business

Use creativity to start up a business Use creativity to start up a business Creative thinking leads to success for most aspiring entrepreneurs. Firstly, the initial idea is shaped in your thoughts by “thinking outside the box”. Then, new ideas require analytical and logical thinking for implementation in action. The creative side of your abilities…

IELTS Reading on Creativity with Flashcards

Discover the Power of Flipped Learning on LELB Society

IELTS Reading on Creativity What is creativity? Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a literary work, or a painting). Creative problem solving The process of creative problem-solving usually begins with…

Mind-Body Connection IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Neurasthenic 601 Words You Need to know at LELB Society

Mind-Body Connection IELTS Listening Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube Mind-Body Connection IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Maryam Alimardani on TED-Ed Mind-Body Connection IELTS Reading Practice The Rubber Hand Illusion Look at your hand. How do you know it’s really yours? It seems obvious unless you’ve experienced the rubber hand illusion. In this experiment, a…

Brain Energy IELTS Listening Reading Practice

How to increase dopamine naturally with 10 proven tips, video, podcast and list of new vocabulary for ESL students

Brain Energy IELTS Listening Reading Practice Brain Energy IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Richard E. Cytowic on TED-Ed Brain Energy IELTS Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube Brain energy An enduring myth says we use only 10% of our brain, the other 90% standing idly by for spare capacity. Hucksters promised to unlock that hidden…