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Mind-reading | A Listening Practice Course

Telepahty meaning in context with images in visual dictionary

Mind-reading | A Listening Practice Course Mind-reading | A Listening Practice Course Questions about the Listening Track When and where was the classical test of telepathy conducted? What were the participants of the experiment students of? How are telepathy and extrasensory perception intertwined? Did the participants believe in telepathy? Mention all the 5 shapes that…

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | A Listening Practice Course

Trauma 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | A Listening Practice Course Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | A Listening Practice Course Listen to this audio file. Questions about the Listening Track What does PTSD stand for? How do the people suffering from PTSD interpret the flashbacks of chronic conditions? What are some underlying causes of PTSD? Which gender…

Introverts vs. Extroverts | A Listening Practice Course

IELTS Listening Practice LELB Society

Introverts vs. Extroverts | A Listening Practice Course Introverts vs. Extroverts | A Listening Practice Course Listen to this audio file. Questions about the Listening Track What are some of the manifest differences between introverts and extroverts? Are you an introvert or extrovert? How can you make certain about it? Mention the two eminent psychologists…

Placebo Effect | A Listening Practice Course

IELTS Listening Practice LELB Society

Placebo Effect | A Listening Practice Course Placebo Effect | A Listening Practice Course Listen to this audio file. Questions about the Listening Track Explain about the experiment that was conducted in 1996. Elaborate on the proven effects of Trivaricaine. How do you define “placebo effect”? Why is the implementation of placebo effect less common…

Mental Gender Differences | An English Conversation Class

Gender English Flashcard LELB Society

Mental Gender Differences – English Conversation Class Mental Gender Differences – An English Conversation Class What are the most noticeable mental gender differences between men and women? Do you think that stamina or physical power is the only criterion to be taken into account? At which tasks are women better than men? Do you think…

Subconscious Mind – IELTS Speaking Practice

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind at LELB Society - English for Psychology with podcast, selected text and flashcards

Subconscious Mind – IELTS Speaking practice Subconscious Mind – IELTS Speaking Practice Argue for/against Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument. There are many successful and happy people…

Instrumental Motivation in SLA | TESL Issues

English presentation on happiness with reading practice

Instrumental motivation in SLA or second language acquisition Instrumental Motivation Instrumental motivation is also a component of Gardner’s socio-educational model; it is important to recognize that it can work in conjunction with, rather than in opposition to, integrative motivation. It refers to the motivation that derives from a perception of the concrete benefits that learning…

Cognitive Development | TESL Issues

Human Brain Practice reading & listening with flashcards at LELB Society by Mahsa Mohammadi

Cognitive development in children proposed by Piaget, a Swiss psychologists Cognitive Development Cognitive Development was proposed by Piaget (1896-1980), a Swiss psychologist. Jean Piaget offered an essentially rationalist perspective, documenting the insufficiency of an empiricist interpretation of experience (Piaget, 1980, p. 23). Sensory Motor Stage: Piaget’s theory is based on learners passing through a series…

English Essay 36: Dreams

English question on dreams for discussion and speaking practice

English essay on dreams written by LELB Society students to practice writing for IELTS and TOEFL Essay topic on dreams When you sleep, you dream about many different things. Psychologists assert that your dreams can be interpreted and analyzed to account for your real desires, wishes and even psychological complexes. First, make it clear whether…

English Essay 35: Crying

Lachrymose GRE Vocabulary Flashcard at LELB Society

English essay on crying in pubic and in front of others written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on crying in public Some people believe that crying in front of others is a sign of weakness. However, psychologists assert that crying is not an unusual human behavior even if it is in…
