The Elephant Man (1980) Movie Analysis & Film Criticism

The Elephant Man (1980) Movie Analysis & Film Criticism

The Elephant Man (1980) movie analysis and film criticism for advanced ESL students to practice the 4 English skills based on the English Immersion Program The Elephant Man (1980) movie trailer Watch this video on YouTube The Elephant Man (1980) movie analysis The Elephant Man (1980) is a poignant exploration of humanity, compassion, and the…

Elite 601 Words You Need to Know

Elite 601 Words You Need to Know at LELB Society

Elite 601 Words You Need to Know /ɪˈliːt/ (adj & noun) Definition a minority of people in a society with more wealth, better education and talents, and higher social standards, cream, best, upper class, pick, people with a silver spoon in their mouth, crème de la crème, high society, chosen, elect Example In political and…

IELTS Essay on Celebrities’ Income with Full Essay

IELTS Essay on Celebrities' Income at LELB Society

IELTS Essay on Celebrities’ Income with Full Essay Topic In some countries, celebrities earn higher salaries than senior politicians. What are the reasons? Is it a negative or positive development? Full essay In few nations, senior political leaders are making a lesser amount of money than celebrities. I am of the firm opinion that this…

Anthropologist 1100 Words You Need Week 24 Day 1

Anthropologist 1100 words you need to know week 24 day 1 at LELB Society with flashcards for IELTS, GRE & TOEFL

Anthropologist 1100 Words You Need Anthropologist 1100 Words You Need /ˌænt.θrəˈpɒl.ə.dʒist/ (noun) a scientist in the field of human beings and their beliefs, customs and relationships, an expert in the study of the beliefs, races and customs of mankind Anthropology is the study of what makes us human. Anthropologists take a broad approach to understanding…

IELTS Essay on Single Parents | IELTS Writing Task 2

پدر و مادر کودک بیمار - دلنوشته ای از سارا حسین‌پور با عنوان مابان عزیزم سلام

IELTS Essay on Single Parents – IELTS Writing Task 2 IELTS Essay on Single Parents – IELTS Writing Task 2 In modern societies, couples who have children might get a divorce and their children have to be raised by single parents. Discuss the problems that single parents ought to deal with in modern societies. LELB…

English Presentation Handedness and Neurology

Definition of Neurology in visual dictionary and thesaurus

English Presentation Handedness English Presentation Handedness Watch this video on YouTube LELB Society’s Lecturer: Hanieh Karkhaneh Handout Provided by the Lecturer What is the proportion of right-handed people to the whole population? Explain the people’s overall attitude toward right-handedness and left-handedness. Criticize many teachers‘ strategy to teach the lefty. What privileges are generally granted exclusively to…

City Life IELTS Writing Task 2

Reading practice on New York City with illustrated flashcards and video for intermediate English learners at LELB Society

City Life IELTS Writing Task 2 City Life IELTS Writing Task 2 These days, more and more, people are leaving rural areas in search of decent jobs in urban societies. What could be the consequences of this broad trend? What solutions can you provide? Essayist: Sasan Nowadays, a lot of people immigrate to urban areas in order to get…

IELTS Writing Task 2 Illegal Immigration

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

IELTS Writing Task 2 Illegal Immigration IELTS Writing Task 2 Illegal Immigration Topic Nowadays, violating immigration laws, many people try to enter developed countries illegally, which is strongly frowned upon by the destination countries. Why do you think the rate of illegal immigration is so high these days? Essayist: Sasan Today, the number of illegal immigrants from…

English Presentation | Causes of Violence

English Presentations LELB Society

English Presentation | Causes of Violence English Presentation | Causes of Violence Watch this video on YouTube LELB Lecturer: Sasan Causes of violence in society The major causes of violence in society are complex and multifaceted, often stemming from a combination of social, economic, and psychological factors. Poverty and economic inequality can lead to frustration and…

IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration IELTS Essay Sample | Space Exploration Your essay should include at least 250 words. You should spend approximately 40 minutes on this task. In this task, your ability to respond to a topic, generate relevant ideas, outline problems and offer solutions to the…