Lethargic – English Flashcard for Lethargic with Synonyms

lethargic LELB Society

Lethargic Lethargic: Adjective /ləˈθɑː.dʒɪk/ lacking in energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything, tired, phlegmatic, sluggish, weary, lackluster, languid, indolent, exhausted, lifeless: Lethargic in context The obese teenager seems lethargic after eating so much food due to his voracious appetite. Afternoon is the time when everybody tends to be lethargic. Being old doesn’t necessarily mean to be lethargic. You should have stopped being lethargic because being lethargic is…

Languid – English Flashcard for Languid with Synonyms

Languid - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Languid Languid /ˈlæŋ.gwɪd/ (adj) lacking enough energy, sluggish, phlegmatic, idle, lethargic, unhurried, relaxed, lax, leisurely, droopy, slothful: Languid in context John responded to our call languidly after he had received some anesthetic drug. My father frowns upon languid people, and so do I. On a hot summer afternoon, the park was filled with the languid movements…

Indolent – English Flashcard for Indolent with Synonyms

indolent LELB Society

Indolent Indolent (Adj) /ˈɪn.dəl.ənt/ lazy; showing no real interest or effort, lethargic, sluggish, idle, slothful, apathetic, lax, torpid, languid: Indolent in context He felt too indolent to get out of bed last Friday. Don’t surrender to any sense of indolence. Otherwise, you’ll turn into quite an indolent person. Do you think that indolent people are smarter than ordinary ones? Despite being exceptionally talented, Mark’s indolent nature often hindered…

Whimsical – English Flashcard for Whimsical for IELTS

Whimsical - English Flashcard for Whimsical - LELB Society

Whimsical Whimsical (adj) /ˈwɪm.zɪ.kəl/ slightly unusual in a humorous and amusing way – odd – witty – bizarre – peculiar – fanciful – imaginative – erratic: Whimsical in context His whimsical sense of wry humor in the face of life vicissitudes had literally stunned his acquaintances. The artist’s studio was filled with whimsical creations, each…

Connoisseur – English Flashcard for Connoisseur for IELTS

Connoisseur - English Flashcard for Connoisseur - LELB Society

Connoisseur Connoisseur (noun) /ˌkɒn.əˈsɜːʳ/ an expert in a particular field, such as art, food, music, etc. – specialist – enthusiast – professional – authority: He’s a music connoisseur. To be more precise, he’s a violin virtuoso. Emily, a renowned connoisseur of classical music, was frequently invited to prestigious concerts and recitals around the world. Her…

Abjure – English Flashcard for Abjure with Synonyms

Abjure - English Flashcard for Abjure - LELB Society

Abjure Abjure (verb) /əbˈdʒʊəʳ/ to state publicly that you no longer hold a previous belief – renounce – give up a belief – shun – avoid – deny – repudiate – abstain from – reject – refrain: Abjure in context To everybody’s chagrin, he openly abjured any fraternity and affinity with his close friends. After…

Foment – English Flashcard for Foment with Synonyms

Foment - English Flashcard for Foment - LELB Society

Foment Foment (verb) /fəʊˈment/ to cause trouble or rebellion – stir up trouble – instigate – stimulate – incite – provoke – whip up: Foment in context The trial found him guilty of fomenting armed rebellion against the government. The charismatic leader’s passionate speeches began to foment a sense of rebellion among the citizens, who…

Alleviate – English Flashcard for Alleviate for IELTS

Alleviate - English Flashcard for Alleviate - LELB Society

Alleviate Alleviate (verb) /əˈliː.vi.eɪt/ to make something, such as a pain or difficulty less intense and more tolerable – lessen – ease – assuage – soothe – lighten – pacify – mitigate – relieve: Alleviate in context A great number of charity concerts have been held with the purpose of alleviating the intense poverty of…

Attenuate – English Flashcard for Attenuate for IELTS

Attenuate - English Flashcard for Attenuate - LELB Society

Attenuate Attenuate (verb) /əˈten.ju.eɪt/ to make something weaker, smaller or less effective – weaken – lessen – reduce – decrease – diminish – mitigate – assuage – calm – soothe – lighten: Attenuate in context The polio vaccine is manufactured by attenuating the virus to arouse the immune system so that the body would be…

Gregarious – English Flashcard for Gregarious for IELTS

gregarious LELB Society

Gregarious Gregarious grɪˈgeə.ri.əs/ (adj) (of people) liking to be with other people, or (especially of animals) living in groups, sociable, convivial, warm and friendly, extroverted, clubbable, social butterfly: Gregarious in context Emma’s a gregarious, outgoing sort of person. Being gregarious in cyberspace demands less skills compared to real life. Being over-gregarious is an egregious mistake that I can only…