Withstand Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Withstand Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Withstand definition and meaning in real context with images and visuals for ESL students /wɪðˈstænd/ (verb) Definition of withstand to bear or tolerate something unpleasant, stand up against, resist, oppose, endure, be resistant to something, survive Video of withstand Withstand in context The Golden Gate Bridge, an iconic landmark in San Francisco, California, is known…

Indigo Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Indigo Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Indigo definition and meaning in real context with images and visuals for ESL students /ˈɪn.dɪ.gəʊ/ (adj & noun) Definition of indigo deep purplish blue color, blue dye, a bluish purple color a tropical plant that yields indigo dye Video of indigo Indigo in context The indigo color is derived from the leaves of plants in…

Cafeteria Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Cafeteria Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Cafeteria definition and meaning in context with images and visuals for ESL students /ˌkæf.əˈtɪə.ri.ə/ (noun) Definition of cafeteria a self-service or counter-service restaurant in a college, factory or any other office building in which people collect and take food from the counter or any other serving area on their own, dining hall, refectory, café, diner,…

Astringent Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Astringent Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Astringent definition and meaning in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /əˈstrɪn.dʒənt/ (adj & noun) Astringent definition Adjective: sharp and acidic in tone, caustic, acidulous, acrimonious, biting, severe, harsh, acerbic, cutting, critical and unkind Noun: a drug or substance that shrinks body tissues and draws them together Video of astringent Astringent…

Hypertension Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Hypertension Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Hypertension definition and meaning in context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ˌhaɪ.pəˈten.tʃən/ (noun) Hypertension definition abnormally or extremely high blood pressure Video of hypertension Hypertension in context Hypertension and hypotension are two contrasting conditions that affect blood pressure. Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, occurs when the force of blood…

Zany Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Zany Definition & Meaning in Context with Images

Zany definition and meaning in context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ˈzeɪ.ni/ (adj & noun) Zany definition Adjective: amusingly unconventional, crazy, screwball, comic, silly, funny, eccentric, peculiar, idiosyncratic, foolish, nutty, strange, wacky, odd, bizarre, amusing Noun: clown, fool, buffoon, joker Video of zany Zany in context People often express their individuality through…

Putrid Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Putrid Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Putrid definition in context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ˈpjuː.trɪd/ (adj) Putrid definition extremely unpleasant and unattractive, contemptible, disgusting, repugnant, repulsive having an unpleasant smell due to being decayed, rotting with a foul smell, rotten, decomposed, noisome, fetid, tainted, rancid Video of putrid Putrid in context When vegetables, milk, or meat are…

Incur Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Incur Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Incur definition in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ɪnˈkɜːʳ/ (verb) Incur definition to experience something unpleasant as a result of what you have done, bring upon yourself to acquire a burden such as a debt, meet with something undesirable, encounter, sustain, suffer Video of incur Incur in context When individuals…

Invert Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Invert Definition in Context with Images & Visuals

Invert definition in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ɪnˈvɜːt/ (verb) Invert definition to turn something upside down, reverse the arrangement of something, change something to its opposite, upset, capsize, overturn, turn over, flip-flop Video of invert Invert in context In many languages, the conventional word order in a sentence is…

Involuntary Definition in Context with Images

Involuntary Definition in Context with Images and Visuals for Advanced ESL Students

Involuntary definition in real context with images and visuals for advanced ESL students /ɪnˈvɒl.ən.tri/ (adj) Involuntary definition something that occurs in an unplanned manner, done unwillingly, not done by choice, uncontrollable, compulsory, reluctant, forced, instinctive, unintentional, spontaneous, automatic Video of involuntary Involuntary in context Sneezing is an involuntary reflex that occurs when the nasal passages…