Learn Farsi Free with 400 Best Lessons, Videos & Forums

Do you like to learn Farsi free and enjoy an excellent educational experience? In this article, we’re going to show you how to enjoy learning Persian online for free with over 400 premium lessons with videos, podcasts, and interactive comment forms for you to ask us your questions.

Watch this video on how to learn Farsi free

How to learn Farsi free?

Learning a second language is certainly not an easy task, especially when the second language is written from right to left, which is the opposite of western languages like English. However, like many other new skills, the beginning of learning Farsi could be rather confusing or in some cases formidable. We’re quite aware of this situation.

بهترین روش آموزش زبان فارسی به غیر فارسی زبانان شامل 10 روش کاربردی یادگیری زبان فارسی
How to learn Farsi free and easily with native Persian teachers who are also fluent in English

If you’re a beginner in Farsi, we encourage you to study this article on how to learn Persian language with 10 best practices. The gist of this article is that you can learn Farsi free and easily in our bilingual academy, which is an active and supportive online community with thousands of premium lessons and videos. Our bilingual teachers, educators, and content developers are more than happy to guide you step-by-step through starting to learn Farsi free.

Persian resources with multimedia to learn Farsi free

To learn Farsi effectively, first you need to access useful and practical Persian language resources that can satisfy your learning needs. We believe Farsi textbooks are no longer the best choice to make because books generally lack multimedia files, which are essential for second language learning. On the other hand, Persian textbooks cannot answer your questions that might arise while studying them.

Persian language resources for non-Persian speakers
Learn Farsi free with premium Persian language resources enriched with multimedia, comment boxes and forums

At LELB Society, which is a bilingual academy of English and Persian, you can learn Farsi free with over 400 Persian lessons with videos. All these Persian lessons have already been taught through flipped learning and they come with multimedia, especially videos and podcasts. We embed videos inside our Farsi lessons from LELB Society YouTube channel with approximately 1,000 videos and 3,350 subscribers.

Persian lessons for all age groups and purposes

We’ve neatly categorized our Farsi lessons in the following taxonomies or Persian packages to satisfy the academic needs of a variety of Persian students and learners:

  • Persian for various proficiency levels, such as beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners
  • Persian for various age groups, including kids, young learners, teenagers, and adults
  • Practicing the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Farsi + Persian vocabulary
Archive of Lessons at LELB Society
Learn Farsi free with categorized lessons for all age groups, proficiency levels, and academic needs

If you feel confused or overwhelmed by our diverse Persian lessons, you can simply ask for our professional assistance in our Persian forum. We would be more than happy to help you find ideal lessons based on your needs and interests. Moreover, our best online Farsi course is growing all the time. This is because our database at LELB Society is getting better and better almost every day. By checking LELB Society homepage, you can see our newest posts, lessons, comments, and topics in forums.

Content-based instruction to learn Farsi free

We’ve developed our Persian language resources based on content-based instruction to increase motivation and interest in our students to continue learning Farsi unabated. Content-based instruction or CBI plays a key role in encouraging our Persian learners to carry on learning at LELB Society even for a long period of time as they realize they’re learning something else or another subject matter apart from Persian.

We’ve tried hard to give more importance to useful, interesting, and challenging topics or themes, particularly about Iranian culture so that our Farsi students who are non-Persian speakers could learn Persian language, literature, and culture almost at the same time. For example, you can find many Farsi resources about Persian poetry and literature, which is frequently requested by our students.

You can learn Farsi free, especially Persian vocabulary and expressions, in real context, such as Persian short stories, poems, biographies of highly successful people, etc. instead of learning them out of context. As you can see, there’s a close link between language learning in real context and CBI employment. That’s why the employment of CBI is one of the building blocks of our methodology and curriculum at LELB Society.

Learn Farsi free asynchronously

If you’re busy and don’t have time for online Farsi classes, you can enjoy learning Farsi asynchronously. You can study this article on asynchronous learning to get more familiar with this relatively new approach to education. Asynchronous learning is highly recommended to adult Persian learners who can regulate their learning process more efficiently compared to young learners.

Benefits of asynchronous learning in online education
Learn Farsi free and asynchronously at your own convenience with hundreds of Persian lessons, videos, and comment forms

Learning Farsi asynchronously at LELB Society has become possible because our Farsi students can easily access our Persian lessons with video tutorials. In addition, at the bottom of each Persian lesson, there is an interactive comment box where our Persian learners can leave their questions and comments about our lessons and expect to receive immediate and detailed responses from our native Persian teachers who are also fluent in English.

So far, we’ve answered over 5,500 comments located at the end of our 4,100 English and Persian lessons. These numbers prove that our students in our bilingual academy are learning a lot through asynchronous learning without necessarily attending our online classes. Our Persian teachers and students are also extremely active in our forums or discussion boards, which will be discussed in the next section.

Best Persian forum for non-Persian speakers to learn Farsi free

What if you had a Persian question not necessarily related to our Farsi lessons? Don’t worry because we’ve already thought about that, and the outcome is our Persian forum for non-Persian speakers. You can easily review the list of our forums at LELB Society, and depending on your needs and interests, join any forum that suits you best. Then you can create a new topic in each forum, and ask us and the other Persian students your Farsi questions.

Persian forum to learn Farsi online asynchronously in our online community
Best Persian forum for non-Persian speakers to learn Farsi free and asynchronously

We use our Persian conversation questions for speaking and practice writing in Farsi forums a lot in order to provide our Farsi students ample opportunities to practice speaking and writing in Persian. You can also practice storytelling in Farsi to use your own creativity to finish open-ended Persian stories in collaboration with the other Farsi students.

We’re using one of our Persian forums as a feedback box in which our students, including you, can freely express their opinions, feedback, and criticism about our Persian classes and teaching methods. This is because learner-centeredness is one of the pillars of our teaching methodology at LELB Society, and we believe that feedback is the breakfast of champions. Additionally, we’ve allocated one forum for portfolio assessment, which will be discussed in the next section.

To learn Farsi free in our forums, first you need to login or register at LELB Society and join our online community. This is due to a high volume of spam we receive every day from unregistered users.

Portfolio assessment in learning Farsi

Student portfolio assessment at LELB Society
Learn Farsi free and asynchronously through portfolio assessment and track your progress in learning Persian autonomously

Our student portfolio assessment forum is chiefly used by our English and Persian students to track their own progress in our bilingual academy because almost every educational activity, such as assigned materials and completed tasks, can be recorded and archived in our growing database. As a result, our students, particularly adult Persian learners, can enjoy learner autonomy and authentic assessment in the real sense of the word.

Practice reading and listening in Farsi

Best Persian short stories to learn Farsi at LELB Society
Learn Farsi free with 100 Persian short stories with videos and English translation

At LELB Society, you can access over 100 Persian short stories with videos and English translation. Our Farsi students can study the English version of these short stories, as well. We have translated, simplified, and revised these Persian short stories specifically for non-Persian speakers so that they can read and understand them easily.

If you’re a beginner and don’t know the Persian alphabet, you can easily become familiar with Persian letters by studying our Persian alphabet package with video tutorials and our constant support through asynchronous learning available in our comment forms and forums. Furthermore, to maximize your educational experience at LELB Society, you can install our recommended Google Chrome extensions for students and teachers of second languages.

Practice speaking and writing in Farsi

As mentioned before, our Persian students can practice writing in Farsi unlimitedly through the asynchronous channels of communication at LELB Society, namely comment forms and Persian forums. Moreover, Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl, the founder of LELB Society and the author of this article, has designed an educational activity, which is called round table.

round table activity at LELB Society
Round table activity to learn Farsi free collaboratively and asynchronously

Our round table activity is a key to combining both synchronous and asynchronous learning and skill integration or practicing the four language skills naturally and interactively. It’s interesting to note that some round tables in our online community have had more than 100 comments and replies on challenging topics, and we’ve corrected all mistakes in Persian grammar in our comment forms and forums.

Asynchronous Conversations in Farsi in Audio or Voice Discussion Board at LELB Society for Non-Persian Speakers
Practice speaking in Farsi either asynchronously or synchronously in our live classes on free trial

But what about speaking? Well, to practice speaking in Farsi, you can either leave voice comments asynchronously and receive voice messages from us in return, or join our online Farsi classes on free trial. We have both private and group classes in which you can interact with your Persian teacher and other classmates verbally to improve your speaking in Farsi.

Online Persian classes

If asynchronous learning is not suitable, preferable or sufficient for you, then you can opt for synchronous learning in the form of online Farsi classes. Our online Farsi classes are taught by native Persian teachers who are also bilinguals. That is to say, all our Farsi teachers can speak both English and Persian equally well.

List of online classes on English and Persian
Online classes on Farsi for non-Persian speakers for all age groups, proficiency levels, and educational purposes

The materials that we use in our Farsi classes are selected from our premium lessons that the team of our digital content developers has created since 2015. In other words, we do not teach from Persian textbooks written by other authors. It is important to note that, in our online academy, learning Persian is not limited to online classes because we’re employing both synchronous and asynchronous learning in LELB Society methodology.

LELB Society Methodology for English and Persian students in our bilingual academy
LELB Society methodology for teaching English and Persian online in our bilingual academy

Learning Farsi in online classes is the only paid service that is available at a very reasonable price on free trial. That is to say, the first session is totally free alongside evaluation and consultation. Then if satisfied with our teaching methodology, curriculum, and Persian language resources, you can officially register for our online Persian classes. Please contact us to schedule your first free class on Farsi for evaluation and consultation.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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