An English Grammar Lesson on Reported Speech

Good quotes for discussion forum for ESL students at LELB Society

An English grammar lesson on reported speech with many simple examples Reported speech in English Study this example situations on reported speech. Mike said ‘I’m feeling ill.’ Or you can use reported speech: Mike said that he was feeling ill. In writing, we use these quotation marks to show direct speech. reported Mike said that …

Conversation Class 35: Global Village

IELTS essay on global language with scoring and analysis

Conversation class on global village with questions to have a discussion on the topic Round Table Activity on Global Village What are the consequences of globalization? Do you think we live in a globalized world? What are your reasons? I mean how people make money from this belief? What will happen for traditional cultures in …

English Essay 42: Money

English essay on money and materialism written by LELB Society students to practice writing for IELTS Essay topic on money and materialism Some people believe that money is the key to happiness. Some others maintain that money by itself does not lead to happiness. In your essay, explain about your notion on the role of …

All-in-one Class 32: Immigration

English Vocabulary about Traveling

English conversation class on immigration with questions to have a discussion Round Table activity on immigration At what cost do people immigrate to other countries? Is local culture threatened by immigration? What troubles do you need to struggle with, as an immigrant, in your destination country, to be successful? What is the difference between ‘brain …

English Essay 41: Addiction

IELTS essay on internet addiction with full essay and deep analysis

English essay on addiction written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on addiction One of the byproducts of industrialization is addiction to TV and the internet. In your essay, make it clear which one of these two types of addiction seems to be more haunting and dangerous. Bring reasons to support your …

All-in-one Class 31: Sense of Humor

English Webinar on Laughter on Discord at LELB Society for IELTS and TOEFL candidates

All-in-one Class: an English conversation class on sense of humor and satire to practice speaking on challenging and interesting questions Study the questions below on the current topic and and answer them in the comment form located at the bottom of this post. Round Table on laughter and satire Why do people say laughter is …

English Essay 40: Robots

Ex Machina movie analysis and review in film criticism course forum for advanced ESL students

English essay on robots and machines written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on robots In some science-fiction or sci-fi movies, for instance, Terminator, we see that robots and machines will become much more intelligent than humans. These movies threaten us that in distant future, we might be subordinate to machines and …

All-in-one Class 30: Racism

Definition of Ostracism in real context with synonyms and antonyms for GRE candidates

English conversation class on racism for English students to have a discussion Study the questions below on the current topic and answer them in the comment form at the end of this post. Round Table on racism How do you think the victims of racial discrimination feel? How can you tolerate racial discrimination about yourself …