Adverb Clause in English

English Grammar LELB Society

Adverb Clause in English Adverb Clause in English The Outline of This Lesson on Adverb Clause in English Watch this video on YouTube What is an adverb clause? An adverb clause is a dependent clause or subordinate clause in English, which is the opposite of an independent clause. In a compound sentence, both the independent …

Conjugating Irregular Verbs in English

English Grammar LELB Society

Conjugating Irregular Verbs in English Conjugating Irregular Verbs in English The Outline of This Lesson on Common Grammar Mistakes Simple Form Simple Past Form Past Participle Form -ing Form awake awoke awoken awaking be was / were been being blow blew blown blowing build built built building buy bought bought buying catch caught caught catching …

English Vocabulary in Context

English Vocabulary in Context English Vocabulary in Context The Outline of This Lesson on English Vocabulary in Context Context 1 Many people readily admit that they are hypochondriacs. For example, Travis once thought he had a flesh-eating virus when he found a mysterious red spot on his arm, and Kevin needs only sneeze and he …

Common Grammar Mistakes in English

English Grammar LELB Society

Common Grammar Mistakes in English Common Grammar Mistakes in English The Outline of This Lesson on Common Grammar Mistakes Today morning, I woke up late. ➡ This morning, I woke up late.  “This morning” makes a common collocation in English, while “today morning” is not a collocation at all. What’s the different? ➡ What’s the …

English Webinar on IELTS Speaking

Free English Webinar LELB Society

English Webinar on IELTS Speaking English Webinar on IELTS Speaking Transcript of this webinar on IELTS speaking The IELTS Speaking section is the same in both Academic and General modules of the IELTS exam. The format of the IELTS Speaking test: It’s not a computer-based exam. It’s technically a face-to-face interview with the IELTS examiner. Keep in mind …

Cigarette Smoking IELTS Listening Reading Practice

IELTS essay on banning smoking in public places with complete analysis and scoring

Cigarette Smoking IELTS Listening Reading Practice Cigarette Smoking IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Krishna Sudhir on TED-Ed Cigarette Smoking IELTS Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube Cigarette smoking Cigarettes aren’t good for us. That’s hardly news. We’ve known about the dangers of smoking for decades. But how exactly do cigarettes harm us? Let’s look at what …

Mind-Body Connection IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Neurasthenic 601 Words You Need to know at LELB Society

Mind-Body Connection IELTS Listening Reading Practice Watch this video on YouTube Mind-Body Connection IELTS Listening Reading Practice Lecturer, author or publisher: Maryam Alimardani on TED-Ed Mind-Body Connection IELTS Reading Practice The Rubber Hand Illusion Look at your hand. How do you know it’s really yours? It seems obvious unless you’ve experienced the rubber hand illusion. In this experiment, a …

Keywords in APA Style

Research Conduction LELB Society

Keywords in APA Style Keywords in APA Style You need to include several keywords in your manuscript, immediately after the abstract of your paper. Italicize and capitalize the word “Keywords” followed by a colon. Then after a space, start writing your keywords and separate them with commas. For instance: Keywords: computer-assisted language learning, interactivity, social …

Living on the Moon IELTS Listening Reading Practice

Practice reading & listening on Moon with podcast and flashcards at LELB Society transcribed by Zahra Pourbagher

Living on the moon with an embedded video and vocabulary practice in real context to practice reading and listening comprehension Lecturer, author or publisher: Alex Gendler on TED-Ed YouTube Channel Video of Living on the Moon Watch this video on YouTube Reading practice on living on the moon You roll out of bed and leap …