Farhang Hooshmand Portfolio Assessment

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    • #103671
      Farhang Hooshmand

      Farhang Hooshmand’s Portfolio Assessment

      You can keep track of your assignments and educational activities assigned to you at LELB Society.

      After a while, you will take a test that will cover all of these assignments listed here. Portfolio assessment can make you a more autonomous learner, and you’ll be able to negotiate or interact with your teacher asynchronously about the journey of your success at LELB Society.

    • #103675

      Hello and welcome to the beginning of your portfolio assessment journey.
      For the next session, please study this short story and watch the embedded video or podcast of the story at the bottom of the lesson:

      Furthermore, please study this reading material on the benefits of doing physical exercise:

      Please write an IELTS essay on the topic of obesity on this page:

      And last but not least, get involved in our round table activity found here:

      English Conversation Questions for Adults

      All the best of luck and joy in the upcoming week!

    • #104088

      In your reading, you have made the following mistakes or mispronunciations. You should try not to make the same mistakes in your future recitations.

      Source of reading

      1. exercise
      2. alert
      3. wrist
      4. usually
      5. idea
      6. injure
      7. prevent


      Source of reading

      1. heard
      2. himself
      3. benefited
      4. immediately

      NOTE. Next time, before reading any other text, please refer to your portfolio assessment page and review your previous mispronunciations. You should make an attempt to avoid making these mistakes. This is the only way you can improve and perfect your pronunciation, and this technique can help you raise the level of your awareness of your mispronunciations.

    • #104092

      For the next session, please study the following:
      Reading material:

      English short story:

      Complete this story one by one in an interactive way. Please do not complete it suddenly. Let’s go on paragraph by paragraph. It could be completed in 2 or more weeks, and not just in one week. There is no rush. It’s an open-ended story started by me. I will also participate in this activity. You need to use your own creativity and logic to add more and more paragraphs.

      Dealing with a Dilemma – Open-ended Story

      Check the forum of English questions for more new topics:

      English Conversation Questions for Adults

      Ask me if you have any question or criticism about your assignments for this week as a REPLY here in your own portfolio.

    • #104384



      From the story:


      • myself

      From the reading passage on ancient Rome


      1. empire
      2. emperor
      3. regal
      4. political
      5. characterize
      6. conquer
      7. Europe
      8. gladiator
      9. influence
      10. implemented


      1. lead
      2. Italy
      3. empire
      4. political
      5. known
      6. primarily
      7. military
      8. territory
      9. engineering
      10. facilitate
      11. idea
      12. longevity
      13. ancestor
      14. religion
      15. architecture
      16. implement
      17. apparent
      18. originate
      19. spread
      20. outside (adv)
      21. eternal
      22. himself / myself
      23. such




      such – myself – himself – immense – nearly – thoughts

    • #104525

      For the following session, please study these assigned materials:
      1. For round table, refer to the forum of English conversation questions and find the topic which doesn’t have any voice or reply yet:

      English Conversation Questions for Adults

      A hint: It’s about reaching your goals in life. I intentionally don’t give you links so that you would get more familiar with the structure of forums.
      2. Storytelling (writing practice): Please go to this topic and add more events (plot) to the story paragraph by paragraph. You already know what to do.

      Dealing with a Dilemma – Open-ended Story

      3. Reading material

      English Documentary on Giraffes with Transcript & Flashcards

      4. English story:

      The Miser – English Fairy Tale with Vocabulary Practice

      5. (optional) Feedback from your side
      You’re also welcome to express your feedback, criticism, precious ideas, suggestions, etc. in the forum of our feedback box:

      Feedback Box for LELB Society’s Students

      And last but not least, you can always use this forum to ask me questions:

      English Language Forum Ask English Questions

      Have a productive week and enjoy your life…

    • #104891

      Mispronunciations in your narrations on the following content:

      English Documentary on Giraffes with Transcript & Flashcards


      1. creature
      2. 50 vs. 15
      3. hierarchy
      4. series
      5. blood pressure
      6. necessity
      7. quite vs. quiet


      1. frustrated
      2. emphasize
      3. muscular
      4. giraffe
      5. allow
      6. pound
      7. insomniac
      8. specifically


      1. loud
    • #104996

      For the following session, please prepare yourself for the following activities:

      The Horse and the Ass from Aesop + Flashcards

      Reading and listening:

      English Documentary on Titanic with Transcript

      Round table:
      Answer the topic without any voice or comment (time management)

      English Conversation Questions for Adults


      Dealing with a Dilemma – Open-ended Story

      IELTS essay:

      IELTS Essay on News + Full Essay & Scoring

      I hope you’ll enjoy learning at LELB Society as much as I do.

    • #105112



      the ass




      Please refine your intonation.


    • #105149

      During this week, please prepare yourself for the following assigned materials:
      Reading & listening:

      English Documentary on Chess with Transcript & Video

      English story:

      The Fisherman and His Wife – English Fairy Tale

      Essay writing

      IELTS Essay on News + Full Essay & Scoring

      Round table
      Choose a topic that lacks any reply, comment or voice:

      English Conversation Questions for Adults


      1. This story is rather too long. So, you don’t need to read it our to me unless you really want it.
      2. As mentioned earlier, for each essay question, there needs to be only one essay as each essay has only one scoring and evaluation procedure that is unique to itself.
    • #105278

      Please note that when you create a new topic in a forum, you MUST ask only one question about that topic. In other words, please do not ask several unrelated questions in one single topic.
      You can create unlimited topics with relevant / related questions, though.

    • #105366

      During this week, please study these assigned lessons:
      Reading and listening comprehension:

      Listening Practice on Octopuses with Flashcards

      Short story:

      Old Sultan – English Fairy Tale with Flashcards

      Round table
      Choose a topic without any voice or comment from below:

      English Conversation Questions for Adults

      Essay writing

      IELTS Essay on Tourism + Full Essay Model

      I will also analyze your audios.
      I hereby remind myself about some external English resources in the form of direct links here.

    • #105568

      For this week, please prepare yourself for the following tasks:
      Reading and listening

      Confidence IELTS Listening Reading Practice


      The Bet by Anton Chekhov – English with Short Stories

      Round table (you know what to do)

      English Conversation Questions for Adults

      Essay writing

      IELTS Essay on Traffic Congestion Full Essay

      Soroosh should also participate in leaving comments and attending the forums in his own account. Please encourage him to be more active.
      Best of luck!

    • #105911

      During this week, please prepare yourself for the followings:
      Essay writing (the same essay)

      IELTS Essay on Traffic Congestion Full Essay

      Reading and listening

      English Documentary on Bears with Transcript & Flashcards

      English story

      The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean – English Fairy Tale

      Round table
      Soroosh’s topic

      Build Your Future the Way You Like It

      Armaghan’s topic

      Decision Based on Intuition English Question

      Dr. Hooshmand’s topic

      Past Life and Decisions – English Question

    • #106730

      Hello. During this week, please prepare yourself for these assignments:
      Reading and listening comprehension

      English Documentary on Polar Bears with Transcript

      Writing practice

      IELTS Essay on Traffic Congestion Full Essay

      Round table
      For Soroosh

      Build Your Future the Way You Like It

      For Dr. Hooshmand

      English Question on Curiosity for Discussion

      For Armaghan

      English Question on Night Dream for Speaking

      English story

      The Miller His Son and The Donkey from Aesop

    • #106992

      For the journey of this week, please get ready for these tasks:
      Reading and listening:

      English Documentary on Exoplanets with Transcript & Flashcards

      Essay writing:
      I’ll assess 2 essays here:

      IELTS Essay on Traffic Congestion Full Essay

      For the second essay, a new post will be created and published. To see the latest essays chronologically ordered, click on the link below:
      Round table: Please prepare yourselves for discussing the following topics in the class.

      For Dr. Hooshmand

      English Question on Setting Priorities

      For Soroosh

      Compare Yourself with Others English Question

      For Armaghan

      Commit Perjury English Question for Speaking

      English story:

      The Milk Woman and Her Pail – English Fairy Tale

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