IELTS Essay on Social Media with Deep Analysis

IELTS Essay on Social Media with full analysis and scoring

An IELTS essay on social media with essay question and full essay model. This essay is thoroughly analyzed and scored. This essay has been submitted to us by our members. IELTS question on social media Some people believe that social media these days are doing more harm than good, especially by causing internet addiction among…

Mot Juste 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Mot juste from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context

Mot Juste 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam in real context with synonyms, images and in authentic passages and examples for GRE & SAT candidates and advanced learners of English /ˌməʊˈʒuːst/ US /ˌmoʊ-/ (noun) Definition the exact word or phrase that precisely fits in a particular situation or context, the exactly…

Interactive – English Flashcard for Interactive for IELTS

Interactive Flashcard LELB Society

Interactive Interactive (adj) /ˌɪn.təˈræk.tɪv/ US /-ţɚ-/ involving communication or interaction among the people in a system or group – collaborative – communicative: In our online English forums, the students can practice English in an interactive way by raising and answering questions. Parts of Speech Noun: interaction Noun: interactivity Verb: interact Adverb: interactively Antonyms static, exclusive,…

Body language – English Flashcard for Body language

Body language English flashcard LELB Society

Body language Body language (noun) changing your body movements or position, e.g. gesture, posture, etc. to show your feelings and communicate with others – mannerisms – stance: The deaf rely on nonverbal communication and body language to interact with each other. Antonyms spoken language

Introduce Yourself in French – Se présenter en français (épisode 1)

Introduce yourself in French - Learn French Online

Introduce Yourself in French Introduce Yourself in French Bonjour. Je m’appelle Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl. Mon prénom est Mohammad Hossein et mon nom de famille est Hariri Asl. Tu peux m’appeler Hossein. J’ai 37 ans et j’habite à Karaj, près de Téhéran, la capitale de l’Iran. Je suis iranien et je parle le persan /…

Transmit – English Flashcard for Transmit for IELTS

Transmit | English Flashcard for Transmit - LELB Society

Transmit Transmit (verb) /trænzˈmɪt/ US /træns-/ to send something out – broadcast – emit – pass on – put on the air – convey, send out, communicate The antenna was broken and could no more receive the transmitted radio signals. Parts of Speech Noun: transmission Noun: transmittal Adjective: transmittable Antonyms receive

Sign Language – English Flashcard for Sign Language

Sign Language - English Flashcard

Sign language Sign language (noun) The use of body language and nonverbal communication to interact with each other, especially among the deaf or hearing-impaired people, communication by gestures: Sing language in context Knowing sign language is a vital versatility for the people who live with a hearing-impaired person. It is so wonderful that deaf people can take…

Free English Webinar on Body Language for IELTS

Free English webinar on body language

Free English Webinar on Body Language for IELTS Free English Webinar on Body Language for IELTS What is body language? Watch this video on YouTube What is body language? As it can be inferred from its name “body language”, it’s a type of language but not the ordinary one. It doesn’t employ words and sentences…

Amity – English Flashcard for Amity with Synonyms

Amity - English Flashcard

Amity Amity /ˈæm.ɪ.ti/ (noun) friendliness and peaceful relations, cordiality, friendship, harmony, good relations, goodwill: Amity in context Just after John arrived at the party, amity boosted among guests, thanks to his tactful and light-hearted personality. It is essential that some amity be injected into the world. The longstanding amity between the two neighboring villages was…

Good Language Learner in Interlanguage

The role of imitation in language acquisition written and narrated by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Good Language Learner Good Language Learner Early research on language learning strategies took the form of ‘good language learner studies’. One of the best-known and frequently cited of these studies is Naiman (1978, 1996). This was a double-barrelled study of highly successful adult L2 learners and adolescent classroom learners of L2 French, using intensive face-to-face…