Problem Statement | Research Conduction

Research Conduction LELB Society

Problem Statement Problem Statement is a crucial section of your research project. Pay attention to the principal specifications of this part of your research listed below: The Problem means a perplexing question. This is a sentence that states your goal and the main idea of your research. The problem should be clearly stated. Each word…

Research Questions | Research Conduction

Research Conduction LELB Society

Research Questions Research Questions and their delicate specifications: Each research question should have a tentative response. Research questions are the questions for which answers are being sought. The questions are built on one another. In other words, the questions must be interrelated and not distinctly separated from each other. They should not be formulated as…

How to Write an Effective Abstract – LELB Society

Research Conduction LELB Society

Abstract Writing An abstract is a very important part of your research project that comes after the title page and gives a general view of your entire research. In other words, it lays the foundation of your study. The following are some crucial points to consider in order to develop an effective abstract based on…

Manuscript of Your Study | Research Conduction – LELB Society

Research Conduction LELB Society

Manuscript of Your Study The manuscript of your paper is the first draft that you submit to a journal for publication. It is strongly recommended that you pay special attention to some points before submitting your manuscript to any journal. If you plan to gain academic credits, it is better to publish your studies in…

Unidentified Flying Object | A Listening Practice Course

IELTS Listening Practice LELB Society

Unidentified Flying Object | A Listening Practice Course Unidentified Flying Object | A Listening Practice Course Selected Text Source: Unidentified flying object (UFO), also called flying saucer, any aerial object or optical phenomenon not readily identifiable to the observer. UFOs became a major subject of interest following the development of rocketry after World War…

English Essay 45: Testing New Products on Animals

Vivisection definition in context with images for ESL students in visual dictionary

IELTS essay on testing new products on animals written by LELB Society students and submitted to us for analysis and evaluation Essay topic on testing new products on animals As public safety is of the highest importance, it is often necessary to test new products on animals. It is better for a few animals to…

Teacher Education in SLA | TESL Issues

تدریس زبان انگلیسی و فارسی به شکل آنلاین در آکادمی دوزبانه LELB Society

Teacher Education in SLA or second language acquisition Teacher education L2 teacher education is, at its core, about teachers as learners of teaching, understanding the cognitive and social processes that teachers go through as they learn to teach is foundational to informing what we do in L2 teacher education (Johnson, 2009, p. 3). Teacher education…

English Essay 37: Space Exploration

English Conversation on Space Exploration for IELTS and TOEFL

English essay on space exploration written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on space exploration Scientists are theorizing about the possibility of living on other planets, e.g. Mars. Do you think we will be able to choose other planets as our abode when the earth is no longer inhabitable Essayist: Sam, LELB…