Free English Class on Coffee Consumption

Free English Class on Coffee Consumption - LELB Society

Free English Class on Coffee Consumption Free English Class on Coffee Consumption Join our Free English Class for  IELTS The International English Language Testing System or IELTS /ˈaɪ.ɛlts/, is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment, and…

Free English Class on Practicing English

Free English Class on Practicing English - LELB Society

Free English Class on Practicing English Free English Class on Practicing English Join our Free English Class for  IELTS The International English Language Testing System or IELTS /ˈaɪ.ɛlts/, is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment,…

Free English Class on Culture for IELTS and TOEFL

Free English Class on Culture - LELB Society

Free English Class on Culture Free English Class on Culture Join our Free English Class for IELTS and TOEFL to practice the 4 skills. This class is 100% free for our members. Click here to join Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl in July of 2010. The major objective of this online environment is to provide ample opportunities for all of the people, particularly Iranians, to optimize their…

English Webinar on IELTS Speaking

Free English Webinar LELB Society

English Webinar on IELTS Speaking English Webinar on IELTS Speaking The Transcript of this English Webinar (noun) /’webɪnɑ $ -ɑr / a seminar or meeting that people participate in using the Internet or telephones – web-based seminar: Various experts in the field of clinical psychology attended the international webinar on new therapies for depression.“>Webinar Watch this video on YouTube.…

English Negotiation Print Books vs. E-books

Best Resources to Learn Persian through Literature

English Negotiation Print Books vs. E-books English Negotiation Print Books vs. E-books About this activity Remember that a negotiation is NOT a lecture or monologue, and you should take equal turns in the negotiations. Please note that this activity is like a game, and you should prepare yourself to defend your position even if it is against your own will. Please make it clear…

English Negotiation Android vs. iPhone Smartphones

Addict English Flashcard LELB Society

English Negotiation Android vs. iPhone Smartphones English Negotiation Android vs. iPhone Smartphones About this activity Remember that a negotiation is NOT a lecture or monologue, and you should take equal turns in the negotiations. Please note that this activity is like a game, and you should prepare yourself to defend your position even if it is against your own…

English Presentation Horoscope and Astrology

English Presentations LELB Society

English Presentation Horoscope and Astrology English Presentation Horoscope and Astrology Watch this video on YouTube. How to Give a Significant Presentation Write the script of your Lecture: Noun1. a formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, especially students: We went to a lecture on Italian art. Who’s giving the lecture this…

English Negotiation | Vegetarianism and Health

Free English Webinar on Vegetarianism

English Negotiation | Vegetarianism English Negotiation | Vegetarianism Topic for Negotiation:  Is vegetarianism a suitable diet for you? Two Negotiators: Arash: Impartial.  Dr. Hariri: impartial. Selected Text Source: Is the vegetarian diet automatically the healthiest way to eat? Yes and no. Yes, a vegetarian diet is excellent for good health when you follow the…