English Essay on Final Examinations and Stress

IELTS Essay on Final Examinations

English essay on final examinations and stress written by our students with some vocabulary in real context Final examinations place a huge amount of stress on students. Some educationists nowadays believe that continuous assessment during the course could be an appropriate alternative to final examinations. What do you think? LELB Society’s Student: Sam The current …

English Idioms and Expressions on Luck

In the lap of gods 1100 words you need to know week 30 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

English idioms and expressions on luck and fortune for English students Related Idioms & Expressions on Luck To keep one’s fingers crossed: to wish someone luck It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good: someone who usually benefits from another person’s misfortune – used to say that every problem brings some advantages for somebody else …

English Conversation Class on Fear and Phobia

Monophobia definition in context with images

English conversation class on fear and phobia for English students Round Table Activity Please develop 2 questions in relation to the current topic. Each participant must ask a question and be asked once. Your questions must not be too personal. Your questions ought to be challenging and not so easy to answer. Your questions should …

English Conversation Class on Decision Making

by choice LELB Society

English conversation class on decision making and determination for English students English questions on decision making How often do you consult others when it comes to making decisions? What is the role of ‘decision making’ in your life? Do you think your destiny is shaped with your own hands (willpower)? What do you do to …

English Questions on Fashion and Mode

Chic meaning in context with images and synonyms

English questions on fashion and mode for English students in conversation classes English questions on fashion What is the level of your fashion-sensitivity? Describe the mental characteristics of those who are so concerned with fashion. What’s your opinion about ‘brand-loyalty’? Can you be fashionable without spending so much money? Compare and contrast those who are …

English Conversation on Optimism for IELTS

Cultivating an Optimistic Outlook for ESL Learners with a video and vocabulary practice in real context

English Conversation on Optimism for English students with an embedded podcast English questions on optimism and positive thinking Is optimism learnable? Are you sometimes required to be pessimistic? Is realism better than optimism? Compare and contrast optimistic and pessimistic people. When you look at a half full / half empty glass of water, which part …

English Questions on Jealousy and Envy

English questions on jealousy and envy for English students to have a discussion English questions on jealousy and envy Describe some special facial expressions on a jealous person’s face. Why is envy characterized according to one of the major sins? What are the primary causes of jealousy? How can you get rid of jealousy? Is …

English Conversation on Creativity and Innovation

Reading Practice on creativity with flashcards to practice reading and vocabulary for IELTS & TOEFL

English conversation on creativity and innovation for ESL students English Questions on Creativity What are some of the activities or thoughts that may kill your creativity or paralyze it a lot? Name some techniques or activities that can help you to become more innovative and creative. What is the significance of being creative in today’s …

English Conversation on Developing People Skills

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

English conversation on developing people skills for ESL students Topic: “How to Develop People Skills?” Round table Activity Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “2”. Then attempt to come up with as many cogent reasons as possible to support your viewpoint in 2 minutes (Brainstorming). Finally, prepare to get into …

English Conversation on Stress for IELTS and TOEFL

English Conversation on Stress

English conversation on stress for ESL students Topic: “How do you try to handle stress in your life?” English questions on stress Is there anything positive about stress? What is the role of stress in our success or failure (if any)? What happens if you overlook stress in your life?  Is stress contagious, i.e. transmitted …