Innate 1100 Words You Need Week 18 Day 1

Innate 1100 Words You Need

Innate 1100 Words You Need

/ɪˈneɪt/ (adj)

an innate quality or ability is one that you are born with and you don’t learn it from the environment, inborn, distinctive, native, characteristic, essential, natural, inherent, instinctive, internal:

In addition to this language processing part of the brain we also know that humans are adept at processing auditory signals. At about one month of age a human infant is capable of distinguishing between certain speech sounds, such as ‘p’ as in the word pin and ‘b’ as in the word bin, and ‘t’ as in the word tin and ‘d’ as in the word din. In addition, at just six months of age the infant is capable of detecting sounds as quiet as 1 decibel (dB) (for comparison, a whisper is around 10 dB). This suggests that humans’ auditory perception is genetically pre-programmed and indicates an innate preparedness to learn language.


Animals use their instincts to ensure survival.  Humans have similar essential inborn traits that work on behalf of our survival. The innate traits observed in preschool children by Maria Montessori combine to bring about problem solving ability required for both out witting threats to our life and to what would decrease the maximum enjoyment of it.


Antonym: acquired, extrinsic

Noun: innateness

Adverb: innately

Farsi: درون زاد،ذاتى ،فطرى ،جبلى ،مادرزاد،طبيعى ،لاينفک ،اصلى ،داخلى ،درونى ،چسبنده ،غريزى

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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