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Solon Definition in Context with Images

Solon definition in context with images and synonyms

Solon definition in context with images and synonyms from the book, Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student. Learn the word, solon, in short real context with illustrations and improve your reading comprehension. /soh-luhn/ (noun) Solon definition a wise lawgiver or a member of legislature, legislator, adviser, sage, statesman, mentor Example Solon was an Athenian statesman, known…

Barrister Legal Terms in English in Real Context with Synonyms

Definition of Barrister in visual dictionary with synonyms from 601 Words You Need to know

Definition of Barrister as a legal term in English with images, synonyms and used in real context from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for GRE candidates and law students /ˈbær.ɪ.stəʳ/ (noun) Definition a lawyer in Britain, Australia and other countries who can argue legal cases in the higher law courts,…

Amicus Curiae – Legal Terms in English in Real Context

Definition of amicus curiae from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Definition of Amicus Curiae as a legal term in English in real context with synonyms and illustrations from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam for GRE candidates and advanced learners of English /aˈmʌɪkəs ˈkyu̇r-ē-ə / (noun) Definition an impartial assistant or adviser to a lawcourt in a special case, friend of…

Pettifogger vs. Lawyer in Legal Context with Example

Who is a pettifogger and how is he different from a Philadelphia lawyer in legal context

Who is a pettifogger and how is he differentiated with a lawyer in a legal context with example and illustrations for law students and ESL learners /ˈpetɪfɒgər/ (noun) Definition an unscrupulous, insignificant and dishonest lawyer without any scruples whose practice is really insignificant, an inferior legal practitioner Example According to Michael Quinion of World Wide…

District Attorney – English Flashcard for District Attorney

District Attorney - English flashcard for District Attorney

District attorney District attorney (noun) a lawyer or prosecutor assigned by the US government in a particular area or district, prosecutor, lawyer, barrister, advocate, counsel, legal representative, attorney at law, public defender, criminal lawyer, solicitor: The district attorney could eventually arrest the culprit he was looking for.