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Preoccupied – English Flashcard for Preoccupied for IELTS

preoccupied LELB Society

Preoccupied Preoccupied (adj) /ˌpriːˈɒk.jʊ.paɪd/ US /-ˈɑː.kjuː-/ focusing all your attention on something particular and not paying attention to other things due to being worried or nervous – anxious, thoughtful, inattentive, pensive, engrossed She’s taken a term off at the university because she’s preoccupied with her silk young daughter these days. Antonyms: carefree, indifferent

Morgue – English Flashcard for Morgue with Synonyms

Morgue - English Flashcard for Morgue - LELB Society

Morgue Morgue (noun) /mɔːg/ US /mɔːrg/ a special room or building in a hospital or municipal government where dead bodies are kept at a low temperature – a dismal and gloomy place – mortuary – funeral parlor – funeral home: The corpse in the fatal car accident was kept in the morgue for further accurate…

Potential 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 3

possible LELB Society

Potential 1100 Words You Need Potential 1100 Words You Need /pəʊˈten.tʃəl/ (adj & noun) Adjective: possible and likely to happen when all the necessary conditions exist, hypothetical, conceivable, thinkable, imaginable, probable Noun: someone’s or something’s chance or ability to thrive and succeed, ability, capacity, possibility, likelihood, capability, aptitude Common types of potential energy include the…

Nominate – English Flashcard for Nominate with Synonyms

Nominate - English Flashcard for Nominate - LELB Society

Nominate Nominate (verb) /ˈnɒm.ɪ.neɪt/ US /ˈnɑː.mə-/ to officially select a person for a position, job, etc. – appoint someone to a position – propose – put forward – recommend – appoint – elect – choose: Mr. Robinson has been nominated for the position of vice president in our company. Noun: nominator Noun: nominee

Multitude- English Flashcard for Multitude with Synonyms

Multitude - English Flashcard for Multitude - LELB Society

Multitude Multitude (noun) /ˈmʌl.tɪ.tjuːd/ US /-ţə.tuːd/ a large crowd of people or things – large group – horde – assembly – gathering – swarm – array – large quantity: A multitude of the students have registered for the geography field trip. Antonyms: handful, some

Vertical- English Flashcard for Vertical with Synonyms

Vertical - English Flashcard for Vertical - LELB Society

Vertical Vertical (adj &noun) /ˈvɜː.tɪ.kəl/ US /ˈvɝː.ţə-/ adj: in an upright position at a right angle to a horizontal line – perpendicular – upright – straight down – straight up: The vertical and horizontal axes of the a graph Antonym: horizontal Noun: verticality Adverb: vertically

Parole – English Flashcard for Parole with Synonyms

Parole - English Flashcard for Parole - LELB Society

Parole Parole (noun & verb) /pəˈrəʊl/ US /-ˈroʊl/ noun: conditional release of a prisoner sooner than expected conditioned on good conduct and frequent reporting – conditional freedom – prisoner’s promise – early release: The captive was released on parole for his good behavior and decent services.

Rehabilitate – English Flashcard for Rehabilitate for IELTS

Rehabilitate - English Flashcard for Rehabilitate - LELB Society

Rehabilitate Rehabilitate (verb) /ˌriː.həˈbɪl.ɪ.teɪt/ to help someone regain health – restore someone’s good rank or position – restore – recover – regenerate – repair – reestablish: It was attempted to rehabilitate the severely traumatized patient. Noun: rehabilitation Noun: rehabilitator Adjective: rehabilitative