Giving Lectures | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Giving Lectures | A Presentation in English Giving Lectures | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube LELB Lecturer: Arash Questions about the Presentation: Have you ever given a lecture before a large audience? What kind of sentences are you supposed to use so that your attendees could communicate with you more effectively?…

Social Media | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Social Media | A Presentation in English Social Media | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube LELB Lecturer: Fatemeh Questions about the Presentation: How often do you use online media for communication? What changes does the emergence of internet communication tools bring to your life? Are you satisfied with the emergence of…

Internet Communication | An IELTS Essay Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

Internet Communication | An IELTS Essay Sample Internet Communication | An IELTS Essay Sample Topic With an increasing population communicating via the internet and text messaging, face-to-face communication will become a thing of the past. To what extent do you agree? The Essay Written by LELB Students In modern society, people have more choices ways…

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 8

English presentation on metaverse and new reality on internet

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course | Session 8 Writing Task Topic: With an increasing population communicating via the internet and text messaging, face-to-face communication will become a thing of the past. To what extent do you agree? Paragraph on online communication In modern society, people have more choices ways to communicate each other such as…

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 1

Learning on Your Time: How Asynchronous Learning Boosts Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

IELTS – TOEFL Preparation Course – Session 1 Writing Practice From 9:40 to 10:00 pm In each session, one student writes an essay or some part of an essay on specified topics and leaves it as a comment in the blue comment form at the bottom of this post before the next class. In the…

Body Language – IELTS Speaking Practice

Using body language in teaching English as a second language for more productivity

Body Language – IELTS Speaking practice Body Language – IELTS Speaking Practice Argue for/against Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument. Animals are more competent than humans when…

IELTS Speaking Practice on People Skills

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

IELTS Speaking Practice on People Skills with interesting activities for advanced ESL students Key Words: people skills, communication skills, interaction, interpersonal relationship, social skills, socialization, etc. Questions about people skills Can you describe a situation where strong people skills helped someone achieve a goal, even if they didn’t have the most technical expertise? 2. In…

Communicative Language Teaching

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

Communicative Language Teaching in the realm of second language learning and teaching Important points about communicative language teaching Communicative Language Teaching was established in the late 1970s and early 1980s in opposition to ‘cognitive code’ proposed by Chomsky in his theory ‘Generative Grammar, 1960’. Authenticity of language learning: All of the activities are on the…

English Conversation on Developing People Skills

Social presence and student interactivity in online social contexts at LELB Society

English conversation on developing people skills for ESL students Topic: “How to Develop People Skills?” Round table Activity Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “2”. Then attempt to come up with as many cogent reasons as possible to support your viewpoint in 2 minutes (Brainstorming). Finally, prepare to get into…

English Questions on People Skills and Relationship

Fidelity definition in context with images and synonyms

English questions on people skills and relationship for English students to have a discussion Topic: “What do you do when other people don’t like you?” Activities Season of Reason: Among the questions listed below, concentrate on Question “6”. Then in the atmosphere of your online classes, go to the special room that specifies your position…