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Vice versa – English Flashcard for Vice versa for IELTS

Vice versa - English Flashcard - LELB Society

vice versa vice versa /ˌvaɪsˈvɜː.sə/ US /ˌvaɪ.səˈvɝː-/ (adv) the other way around, conversely, on the other hand, in opposition, in contrast, contrariwise: Not always does affluence effect jubilation, and vice versa, however. The dilemma of “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” denotes that having a chicken is a sine qua non for having…

IELTS Essay on Television Audiences for Band 5.5

IELTS Essay on Television Audiences - LELB Society

IELTS Essay on Television Audiences IELTS Essay on Television Audiences Source of Visual Data: www.ielts.org Topic The graph above shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. IELTS Candidate: Andre Christoga Pramaditya According to the data above, the audience of television…

Conducive – English Flashcard for Conducive for IELTS

Conducive - English Flashcard for Conducive - LELB Society

Conducive Conducive (adj) /kənˈdjuː.sɪv/ US /-ˈduː-/ Conducive definition making something happen or exist more easily and smoothly – helpful – beneficial – advantageous – contributing to – facilitative: Example His detailed explanation was conducive to the understanding of the intricate problem.

Naive – English Flashcard for Naive with Synonyms

Naive - English Flashcard for Naive - LELB Society

Naive (adj) /naɪˈiːv/ Naive definition willing to trust people excessively – simple and trusting – unsophisticated and unable to analyze matters critically – inexperienced – gullible – credulous – childlike: Example That would be so naive to think that this simple plan could eradicate all of our problems. Antonyms suspicious, shrewd Parts of speech Noun:…

Bona Fide – English Flashcard for Bona Fide for IELTS

Bona Fide - English Flashcard for Bona Fide for IELTS

Bona fide bona fide /ˌbəʊ.nəˈfaɪ.di/(adj) Bona fide definition genuine, authentic, true, real, valid, sincere and honest, legitimate, legal, (antonym: bogus) Example Any bona fide offers of help would be appreciated. The true bona fide prayer for rain always carries an umbrella with him/herself. Today, bona fide love is scarce and many prefer marrying into money.

Vertigo – English Flashcard for Vertigo with Synonyms

Vertigo - English Flashcard for Vertigo - LELB Society

Vertigo Vertigo (noun) /ˈvɜː.tɪ.gəʊ/ US /ˈvɝː.ţə.goʊ/ Vertigo definition a feeling of dizziness and imbalance generally caused by looking down from a high place – dizziness – loss of balance – faintness – unsteadiness – lightheartedness: Example A sense of vertigo overwhelmed her when she looked down from the tower of the skyscraper.

Immaculate – English Flashcard for Immaculate for IELTS

Immaculate - English Flashcard for Immaculate - LELB Society

Immaculate Immaculate /ɪˈmæk.jʊ.lət/ (adj) Immaculate definition extremely clean and tidy, neat and tidy, spotless, spick and span, pristine, perfect and faultless, flawless, impeccable Examples Immaculate clothes are a must in every theater worldwide. An immaculate following of instructions is needed to assemble an engine from beginning to end. Antonyms messy Parts of speech Noun: immaculateness Adverb: immaculately

Trek – English Flashcard for Trek with Synonyms

Trek - English Flashcard for trek - LELB Society

Trek Trek /trek/ (noun & verb) Definition to make a long and difficult journey usually on land, to walk a long distance slowly, hike, walk, ramble, wander, journey, travel, trip, march, trail: Example Carrying essential equipment is a prerequisite for commencing a long trek. Taking a trek can definitely strengthen your persistence and tolerance. Parts of speech Noun:…

Machiavellian – English Flashcard for Machiavellian

Machiavellian - English Flashcard for Machiavellian - LELB Society

Machiavellian Machiavellian (adj)/ˌmæk.i.əˈvel.i.ən/ Definition using clever trickery to get what you want, esp in politics – cunning – tricky – amoral – unscrupulous – treacherous – deceitful – guileful – devious: Example He has achieved this level of success in business and entrepreneurship only by using Machiavellian plots. Antonyms honest Parts of speech Noun: Machiavellianism

Sine qua non – English Flashcard for Sine qua non

Sine qua non - English Flashcard - LELB Society

Sine qua non sine qua non /ˌsɪn.eɪ.kwɑːˈnəʊn/ US /-ˈnoʊn/ (noun) Definition an essential condition for the existence of something, prerequisite, precondition, necessity, essential, requirement, must, must-have, in Latin, sine qua non means without which cause not Example Having a valid high school diploma is a sine qua non for participants of emergency first aid class. Audacity, effrontery, persistence, and…