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IELTS Essay on Early Work with Full Essay and Question

Last updated on March 23, 2020 | 54 Views | Reading Time: 3 minutes

IELTS Essay on early work

IELTS Essay on early work


What do you think about taking a yearly gap to travel or work instead of pursuing a university degree. Give your opinion about benefits and drawbacks of this decision.

IELTS Candidate from our Discord server

People have different views with regard to the question about young generation should take a year gap after high school, which can help them create a larger window of opportunity for their potential future. Personally, I am the side with those who hold the viewpoint that this decision will affect harmfully rather than get many benefits as society said.

On the one hand, taking a gap year after high school can bring many benefits for young generation. One of the big advantages of this decision is that it can enrich themselves with real-life experience such as public speaking, teamwork, and time management that play a vital role in their potential career instead of wasting time for the ennui of tough academic education only teaching the theories. Strong evidence shows that the competitive recruitment most likely requiring the existing experiences rather than theories which have been taught in the academic education. Another major plus point of this decision is that young generation can work or travel around the world so this can also help them financially self-sustaining. In this way, students can manage their financial problems independently such as university fees or regular basis without parents support.

While the decision above could bring many different sorts of benefits, it may also cause problems. The major drawback is that if students took a gap year ,they would lose their momentum for studying. In fact, a research from Queen University said that these students find hard to get back to the hard-studying habit. Beside the fact that students could live under enormous financial pressure after this decision, expenditure on these working and traveling cost a great deal of time and money .In fact, this decision is very difficult to be considered as a student because young generation most likely does not have enough funds on these activities and parents are definitely against this decision if their children can not convince and give desirable reasons.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of taking a gap year after highschool, which are more significant than the possible benefits.

About Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, researcher, inventor, author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Study our guest posting guidelines for authors.

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