Teacher Education in SLA | TESL Issues

تدریس زبان انگلیسی و فارسی به شکل آنلاین در آکادمی دوزبانه LELB Society

Teacher Education in SLA or second language acquisition Teacher education L2 teacher education is, at its core, about teachers as learners of teaching, understanding the cognitive and social processes that teachers go through as they learn to teach is foundational to informing what we do in L2 teacher education (Johnson, 2009, p. 3). Teacher education …

Intrinsic Motivation | TESL Issues

Benefits of asynchronous learning in online education

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are two key drivers in second language acquisition. Here’s how they differ for learners: Intrinsic Motivation: Comes from within the learner, fueled by personal enjoyment and interest in the language itself. Examples: Fascination with a new culture, desire to connect with native speakers, love of linguistic challenges. Learners are more likely …

Instrumental Motivation in SLA | TESL Issues

English presentation on happiness with reading practice

Instrumental motivation in SLA or second language acquisition Instrumental Motivation Instrumental motivation is also a component of Gardner’s socio-educational model; it is important to recognize that it can work in conjunction with, rather than in opposition to, integrative motivation. It refers to the motivation that derives from a perception of the concrete benefits that learning …

English Essay 39: Violence

violent LELB Society

English essay on violence written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on violence Some people believe that violence is genetically endowed. Some others maintain that you become violent in interaction with the people around you in the society. To which group do you more belong to? Explain your viewpoint. Essayist: Sam, LELB …

English Essay 38: Going on a Diet

Nutritive 1100 words you need to know week 41 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

English essay on going on a diet written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on going on a diet Some physicians assert that doing physical exercise regularly and eating good food can be a better substitute for going on a strict diet. What is your attitude toward this notion? Essayist: Sam, LELB …

Integrative Motivation in SLA | TESL Issues

Benefits of asynchronous learning in online education

Integrative motivation in SLA or second language acquisition Integrative Motivation Dörnyei (2005) pointed out that the term ‘integrative motivation’ has often been misunderstood and suggested that this is because the term ‘integrative’ figures in three separate, distinct, but related constructs: ‘integrative orientation’, ‘integrativeness’, and ‘the integrative motive/motivation’. Integrative Motivation can be defined as involving three …

English Essay 37: Space Exploration

English Conversation on Space Exploration for IELTS and TOEFL

English essay on space exploration written by LELB Society students to practice writing Essay topic on space exploration Scientists are theorizing about the possibility of living on other planets, e.g. Mars. Do you think we will be able to choose other planets as our abode when the earth is no longer inhabitable Essayist: Sam, LELB …

Motivation in Second Language Learning

Learn Farsi Online with Native Speakers in Live Classes and Asynchronously

The important factor of motivation in second language learning Motivation in second language learning Gardner’s Socio-Educational Model (with integrative motivation the key construct) was the dominant theory in early motivation research. A social-psychological factor frequently used to account for differential success in learning a second language is motivation. This has an intuitive appeal. It makes …

Noticing Hypothesis in Second Language Learning

aware English Flashcard

Noticing Hypothesis in second language learning Noticing Hypothesis Schmidt (1990) claimed that attention to input is a conscious process. He viewed noticing (i.e. registering formal features in the input) and noticing the gap (i.e. identifying how the input to which the learner is expected differs from the output the learner is able to generate) as …

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) | TESL Issues

facilitate LELB Society

Zone of Proximal Development or ZPD in second language learning from a sociolinguistic point of view Zone of Proximal Development The Actual Developmental Level: According to Vygotsky (1978, p. 85), it is the level of development of the child’s mental functions that has been established as a result of certain already completed developmental cycles. The …