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Feline – English Vocabulary about Cats

Feline - English Vocabulary about Cats at LELB Society with Images and in Real Context

Feline – English Vocabulary about Cats /ˈfiː.laɪn/ (adj & noun) Definition relating to or resembling a member of the cat family such as lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, etc. in appearance or behavior, catty, kitten, moggy, catlike – stealthy, sly, furtive, elegant, graceful, sinuous, sleek – a member of the cat family Example Feline, any of…

English Vocabulary about Eating Food with Flashcards

English Vocabulary about Eating Food

English Vocabulary about Eating Food English Vocabulary about Eating Food Abstemious (adj) Watch this video on YouTube. The dietitian advised me to become more abstemious about my meals. Anorexia (noun) Anorexia is a mental ailment that subjects the sick person to enduring starvation. The nutritionist prescribed some special medications for his chronic anorexia. Devour (verb)…