Viable 1100 Words You Need Week 13 Day 2

Viable 1100 Words You Need

Viable 1100 Words You Need

/ˈvaɪ.ə.bļ/ (adj)

1. able to work as intended or able to succeed, serviceable, feasible, worthwhile, practical, practicable, sustainable, workable, possible, doable:

The rise and fall of the tides is steady and predictable, making tidal power a viable alternative source of energy for regions where high tidal ranges are available. However, there is increasing energy being put in finding many other alternative sources of power and making them viable, such as geothermal and wave energy and biomass!


The viability of a business is measured by its long-term survival and its ability to sustain profits over a period of time. A business is able to survive when it’s viable because it continues to make a profit year after year. The longer a company can stay profitable, the better it’s viability.

A business demonstrates its viability by making a profit every year of its existence. Some say a viable business is one “with legs,” and the Cambridge Dictionary says something with legs can continue to exist and be successful for a long time.


2. (biology and medicine) able to continue to survive and develop:

It makes the area of where to draw the line a difficult one for medical professionals. Dr Bob Welch, neonatal consultant at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, said: “It’s uncomfortable for all of us, all of the time. When I first started in this area in 1980, basically babies born at 28 weeks weren’t even looked at as possibly viable. Now you expect most babies born after 26 weeks to survive and survive quite well.


Antonym: impossible, unlikely, improbable, inconceivable

Noun: viability

Adv: viably

French: viable

Farsi: قابل دوام

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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