IELTS Essay on Economic Growth for Band 7

IELTS Essay on Economic Growth

IELTS Essay on Economic Growth


Some developing countries receive constant financial support from international welfare programs to sustain their economic growth. Some people maintain that this financial assistance should be replaced with professional consultation and advice from developed countries. Discuss both views and express your opinions.

Essayist: Mor Gracious

Developing countries are trying to grow their economy in every aspects in order to play a substantial role in the world’s market. Meanwhile developed countries and international welfare programs make contributions to these countries whether by financial support or professional consultation. I am going to elaborate the pros and cons of these methods in following paragraphs. I believe, the professional consultation and advice from developed countries is more beneficial and has prolonged consequences rather than the former one.

  • every aspect
  • Meanwhile,
  • elaborate on
  • the following paragraphs
  • I believe the …
  • are – have – The subject = professional consultation and advice

First, there are lots of potential opportunities inside developing countries which are disguised and remained untouched. Various domestic business can be run easily with small outlay and by training local workforce. Also there are some existing moribund industries and factories which can be survived by renewing their processes and technologies. Furthermore, potential workforce is a valuable asset which their value can be raised by training them and turning them into craftsmen and experienced workers.

  • remain – Remain is intransitive. Do not use it in a passive structure.
  • businesses
  • a small outlay
  • can survive
  • whose value

In addition, the bona fide value in the global market is technology and knowledge which cannot gained easily. The professional consultation is also placed in the category of experience and knowledge. It helps maintaining goals within consuming less sources i.e. money and time.

  • be gained
  • Professional consultation
  • It’s more common to write: falls into the category of
  • helps to maintain
  • by consuming
  • fewer – a quantifier that is suitable for countable entities

On the other hand, financial support has a great impact on building infrastructures, but without a proper supervision and employing efficient methods, it’s just consuming the money. Receiving financial aid might seems interesting in the first glance but it might be spent thoroughly without having sustained effect on economy.

  • without proper supervision – Supervision is uncountable.
  • might seem
  • at first glance
  • any sustained effect

In conclusion, some reasons has been stated to support the idea of receiving professional consultation by developing countries. But, keep in mind that the best beneficial merit of professional consultation is gained by preserving and transmitting it well through the time.

  • have
  • Do not start a sentence with “but”.
  • over time / throughout the time


  • Band score = 7 of 9
  •  Analysis:
  • Cohesion and Cohesion (19% of 25%)
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (15% of 25%)
  • Lexical Resources (20% of 25%)
  • Task Achievement (23% of 25%)
  • Spelling: Great
  • Punctuation: Needs improvement
  • Word Count: “285” Excellent!

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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