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Pièce de Résistance Meaning & Synonyms from 601 Words

Piece de resistance meaning and synonyms

Pièce de résistance meaning and definition in real passages and context to improve your advanced vocabulary in context with illustrations. Perfect your reading and listening comprehension with this advanced vocabulary. /piˌes.də.reɪ.zɪˈstãːs/ (noun) Pièce de résistance meaning the most important or impressive thing which is quite satisfactory, In French it means: piece of resistance, masterpiece, attraction,…

Complacent 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 1

Complacent 1100 Words You Need Complacent 1100 Words You Need Week 33 Day 1 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /kəmˈplei.sənt/ (adj) self-satisfied, pleased with one’s own abilities and situation, smug, content, contented, self-righteous, over-confident, egotistic, boastful What is complacency and how does it affect…

Social Media | A Presentation in English

English Presentations LELB Society

Social Media | A Presentation in English Social Media | A Presentation in English Watch this video on YouTube LELB Lecturer: Fatemeh Listen to this presentation. Questions about the Presentation: How often do you use online media for communication? What changes does the emergence of internet communication tools bring to your life? Are you satisfied…

Goal Setting | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice

Goal Setting | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice Goal Setting | IELTS – TOEFL Speaking Practice Relevant Audio / Video File: Watch or listen to the following video/audio file in conjunction with the topic being discussed and try to answer the questions about it. Questions about the video/audio file: Why should you start from smaller…

Dream Interpretation – IELTS Speaking Practice

Dream Interpretation – IELTS Speaking practice Dream Interpretation – IELTS Speaking Practice Watch this video on how to attend this class. Relevant Audio / Video File: Watch or listen to the following video/audio file in conjunction with the topic being discussed and try to answer the questions about it. Questions about the video/audio file: Which…