Fossil Fuels | An IELTS Essay Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

Fossil Fuels | An IELTS Essay Sample Fossil Fuels | An IELTS Essay Sample Topic Environmentalists insist that fossil fuels, including coal, oil, etc., be replaced by renewable sources of energy that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, waves, and the like. What is your idea about the necessity of this campaign for the replacement? …

English Vocabulary Enrichment | Academic Articles

Academic Articles LELB Society

English Vocabulary Enrichment English vocabulary enrichment is a must these days, although it is never an easy task. In this article, we will guide you through mastering and internalizing English vocabulary with the help of some practical techniques. First of all, you need to keep record of the words you learn. You can use a …

Distance Learning | An IELTS Essay Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

Distance Learning | An IELTS Essay Sample Distance Learning | An IELTS Essay Sample Topic Thanks to considerable advancements in technology, particularly the internet, distance learning is increasing at an incredibly rapid pace. Do you think e-learning will have outgrown traditional learning taking place in face-to-face classes by the end of the 21st century? Support your …

Input Hypothesis Specifications | TESL Lessons

Using body language in teaching English as a second language for more productivity

Input Hypothesis Input Hypothesis Krashen’s Input Hypothesis explicitly rejects a role for consciousness, claiming that “acquisition” is a subconscious process. Krashen assumed a ‘language acquisition device’, that is, an innate mental structure capable of handling both first and second language acquisition. The input activates this innate structure. But only input of a very specific kind …

Paternity Leave | An IELTS Essay Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

Paternity Leave | An IELTS Essay Sample Paternity Leave | An IELTS Essay Sample Topic In some countries, paternity leave is considered to be a unique fringe benefit for new fathers, whereas most governments do not openly advocate for it. What is your opinion about it? Please support your claim with reasons. The Essayist: Sasan …

Meditation Techniques | Success Journals

English class on Discord on meditation benefits as a webinar for IELTS candidates at LELB Society

Meditation Techniques Meditation can revitalize your mind, keep it calm and help you to control your mind, thoughts and life. Alpha waves that are activated during meditation can make your brain become more relaxed. Get into a comfortable place and relax your body. You should not be disturbed at all. Take some deep breaths. Close …

Depression Therapy | Success Journals

Depression - English Flashcard for Depression - LELB Society

Depression therapy is not an easy task. When depressed, start managing your time in a light way because uncertainty can cause depression. Feed your brain with nutritious food, such as seafood. When you get depressed, just think about the last thought that you had. It may solve your problem. Expose yourself to sunlight and get …

Construct in Psychology | TESL Lessons

Psycholinguistic models in second language learning with recorded lecture by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Construct in Psychology Construct is a term used in psychology to label underlying skills or attributes. A construct is an explanatory device, so-called because it is a theoretical construction about the nature of human behavior. In test development, the construct being assessed is defined before the test is developed; this is to make sure that …

Genetic Engineering | An IELTS Essay Sample

IELTS Writing Task 2 LELB Society

Genetic Engineering | An IELTS Essay Sample Genetic Engineering | An IELTS Essay Sample Topic Genetic engineering is a burgeoning field of study in the new millennium with a relatively unclear and rather daunting prospect. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the distant horizon of this subject. Please provide reasons. The Essayist: Sasan At the …

Topic Sentence Features in Essays | Academic Articles

Academic Articles LELB Society

Topic Sentence Features of Your Essay Topic Sentence Features of Your Essay Topic sentence in each paragraph reflects the central idea of the essay. Therefore, it is an integral part of any essay. In other words, the writer should clarify his/her main point that is intended to be made in the topic sentence. In other …