Sixth Sense – IELTS Speaking Practice

The Sixth Sense movie review and analysis in Film Criticism Course forum for ESL students

Sixth Sense – IELTS Speaking practice Sixth Sense – IELTS Speaking Practice Please note that the necessity of completing your 2 assignments lies in the fact that our conversation in the class is on the basis of your questions and replies. Argue for/against Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below.…

Subconscious Mind – IELTS Speaking Practice

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind at LELB Society - English for Psychology with podcast, selected text and flashcards

Subconscious Mind – IELTS Speaking practice Subconscious Mind – IELTS Speaking Practice Argue for/against Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument. There are many successful and happy people…

Body Language – IELTS Speaking Practice

Using body language in teaching English as a second language for more productivity

Body Language – IELTS Speaking practice Body Language – IELTS Speaking Practice Argue for/against Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument. Animals are more competent than humans when…

Luck – IELTS Speaking Practice

In the lap of gods 1100 words you need to know week 30 day 3 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Luck – IELTS Speaking practice Luck – IELTS Speaking Practice Argue for/against Please take an either positive or negative position to the statement below. You cannot be neutral. If all students have the same idea, the teacher will play devil’s advocate to have a heated argument.  You can build your own luck. Call for Feedback…

Satire – IELTS Speaking Practice

Satire – IELTS Speaking practice Satire – IELTS Speaking Practice Related Idioms and Expressions Biting Satire: A type of satire that is so straightforward and serious Irony: An amusing and strange situation in which the opposite of what you expect takes place Sarcasm: The use of remarks which clearly mean the opposite of what they…

Appearance – IELTS Speaking Practice

Appearance – IELTS Speaking Practice Appearance – IELTS Speaking Practice Related Idioms and Expressions Dressed to kill: To make a great impression on others by the way you get dressed in social events Dressed up to the nines: Wearing smart and glamorous clothes Keep up appearance: To keep yourself calm and happy despite serious problems…

Criticism – IELTS Speaking Practice

Vituperate 1100 words you need to know week 39 day 4 at LELB Society for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Criticism – IELTS Speaking Practice Criticism – IELTS Speaking Practice Related Idioms & Expressions about criticism A sacred cow Acrimonious criticism Call someone on the carpet Feedback is the breakfast of champions Jump down someone’s throat Not hold water People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Put someone down Rub it in Run…

Cancer – IELTS Speaking Practice

Practice reading & listening on cancer at LELB Society with podcast and flashcards for IELTS by Mahsa Mohammadi

Cancer – IELTS Speaking Practice Cancer – IELTS Speaking Practice Questions about cancer What are the building blocks of our organs? How is cancer developed? Why are cancer cells multiplied outrageously? How is a tumor formed? Where is all the vital information about each cell stored? What is mutation and what causes it? Please explain…

Mental Differences between Men and Women – IELTS Speaking Practice

Human Brain Practice reading & listening with flashcards at LELB Society by Mahsa Mohammadi

Mental Differences between Men and Women – IELTS Speaking Practice Mental Differences between Men and Women – IELTS Speaking Practice (Session 86) Questions about mental gender differences How differently do men and women process information? How distinct are the structures of men and women’s brains? What are women’s brains driven by? Why can women remember…