Escalation 1100 Words You Need Week 22 Day 3

Escalation 1100 Words You Need

Escalation 1100 Words You Need

/ˌes.kəˈleɪ.ʃən/ (noun)

an increase in something, rise, growth, boom, sudden increase, intensification, acceleration, climb

At The Hotline, we often hear from survivors who are astonished at the level the abuse has just reached in their relationship. Something finally happened that made them feel scared for their lives, their children’s lives or their pets’ lives, and it is this fear that led them to reach out to us, “I have got to get out of this situation before that happens again, or before anything worse happens.” It is important to know that this fear is valid—people who are being abused know when their situation has taken a dangerous turn. It is an instinctive moment that changes everything. If you feel that the abuse in your relationship has escalated, understanding escalation can prevent further harm to you or your family.


Antonym: reduction, decrease, decline, collapse

Verb: escalate

Noun: escalator

Adjective escalatory

Farsi: افزایش، جنبش رو به بالا

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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