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Willpower – IELTS Speaking Practice

Determination Determination – IELTS Speaking Practice Question-and-Answer: How much do you believe in the influence of willpower? (Hariri) How much has willpower helped you in your life? (Hariri) How can you increase your resolution in life? Do you think self-discipline is contagious? In other words, can you learn it from other people around you? What…

English Conversation Class on Marriage

English Conversation Class on “Marriage” Session 80: Marriage Key Words: marriage, relationship, wedding, matrimony, nuptials, wedding ceremony, marriage ceremony, etc. Listen to the podcast of this session: Related Audio File: Please listen to this audio file (lecture, presentation, dialogue, audio-book, etc.) on our current subject before the class and try to answer the following questions:…

IELTS Essay Sample on Health Care

Topic: The quality of health care a person receives should not depend on the size of their bank balance. The government is responsible for providing a high level of health care for all its citizens. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement? Instructions: Write a report for an educated non-specialist…