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Strident – English Flashcard for Strident for IELTS

Strident - English Flashcard for Strident - LELB Society

Strident Strident (adj) /ˈstraɪ.dənt/ forcefully and strongly expressed – loud and shrill – piercing and harsh – vociferous – persuasive – noisy: So much strident and acrimonious criticism was directed at the press secretary for practicing plagiarism.

Without Rhyme or Reason 1100 Words You Need Week 31

without rhyme or reason LELB Society

Without Rhyme or Reason 1100 Words Without Rhyme or Reason 1100 Words You Need Week 31 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS making no sense, illogically, absurdly, insensibly, irrationally, implausibly, randomly, at random, subjectively, capriciously, indiscriminately, haphazardly, unsystematically The probability that a student selected without…

Milieu – English Flashcard for Milieu with Synonyms

Milieu - English Flashcard for Milieu - LELB Society

Milieu Milieu (noun) /mɪˈljɜː/ US /miːlˈjɜː/ the surroundings and conditions in which someone lives and is influenced by – setting – environment – background – ambiance – atmosphere – locale – surroundings: In that ethnographic and anthropological study, a systematic and longitudinal research has been carried out to cast more light on the social milieu…

Innocuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard for Innocuous

innocuous LELB Society

Innocuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard Innocuous GRE Vocabulary Flashcard /ɪˈnɒk.ju.əs/ US /-ˈnɑː.kju-/ (adj) completely harmless, inoffensive, innocent, benign, safe, mild, bland: Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous. Fre: inoffensive Fa: معصوم، بی گناه

Propagate 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 2

Propagate 1100 Words You need to know week 31 day 2 at LELB Society with flashcards for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS

Propagate 1100 Words You Need Propagate 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 2 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈprɒp.ə.geɪt/ (verb) to spread opinions, lies or beliefs among a lot of people, disseminate, promulgate, distribute, broadcast, proliferate, circulate, transmit, publicize, (of animals and plants) breed…

Cold Shoulder 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 1

cold shoulder LELB Society

Cold Shoulder 1100 Words You Need Cold Shoulder 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 1 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS to ignore or disregard a person, snub, show cold and unsympathetic treatment, unfriendliness, rebuff, rejection, slap in the face, disrespect One thing we…

Spurious 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 1

spurious LELB Society

Spurious 1100 Words You Need Spurious 1100 Words You Need Week 31 Day 1 with authentic materials and examples, synonyms, antonyms, illustrated flashcards and text-to-speech for GRE, TOEFL & IELTS /ˈspjʊə.ri.əs/ (adj) false and misleading, pretending, pretentious, ostensive, ostensible, bogus, fake, forged, counterfeit, specious, imitation, inauthentic, sham, phony Arguments may be fallacious due to flaws…

Study Skills English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL

English Vocabulary LELB Society

Study Skills English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL Study Skills English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL The Outline of This Lesson on Study Skills English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL Source: Wikipedia Study Skills Study skills, academic skills, or study strategies are approaches applied to learning. They are generally critical to success in school, considered essential for acquiring good…

Establishing Relationships English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL

English Vocabulary LELB Society

Establishing Relationships English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL Establishing Relationships English Vocabulary for IELTS and TOEFL The Outline of This Lesson on Establishing Relationships English Vocabulary for  IELTS The International English Language Testing System or IELTS /ˈaɪ.ɛlts/, is an international standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by the British Council,…