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Badinage Meaning in Context from 601 Words

Badinage meaning & synonyms in real context

Badinage meaning and definition in real context from 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam with illustrations and synonyms. Improve your listening and reading comprehension by knowing this word. /ˈbæd.ɪ.nɑːʒ/ (noun) Badinage meaning unserious remarks or conversation, banter, repartee, backchat, wordplay, playful talk, teasing, witty conversation, bon mot, witticism, kidding, quip, jesting,…

Semantics Definition & Meaning from 601 Words

Semantics definition and meaning in real context with images

Semantics definition and meaning in real context in linguistics for advanced learners of English and students of linguistics. Improve your scientific vocabulary in context with images and practice listening and reading comprehension. /sɪˈmæn.tɪks/ (noun) Semantics definition the scientific study of intended meaning and interpretations in a language, semantics also includes the study of symbols or…

Tête-à-tête 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam

Tete-a-tete in real context with images and synonyms

Tête-à-tête 601 Words You Need to Know to Pass Your Exam as a French word existing in English used in authentic context in real-life examples and passages with synonyms and illustrations /ˌteɪt.əˈteɪt/ (noun & adv) Definition a private and intimate conversation between two people or friends in a quiet corner or place, talk, one-to-one, chat,…

Asynchronous Conversation in English to Practice Speaking

Asynchronous Conversation in English to Practice Speaking at LELB Society

Asynchronous Conversation in English to Practice Speaking for IELTS, TOEFL, etc. without any time limit and stress in a friendly atmosphere Benefits of holding discussions asynchronously The main advantage of attending English discussions asynchronously is that there is no actual limit to the class time. It means that you can join our weekly conversations at…

English Question about Social Life for Discussion

English Question about Social Life for Discussion

English Question about Social Life English Question about Social Life What are you looking for when you converse with people? What kinds of things do you usually discuss? Are there other things that would be more interesting to you? Please respond to this question in the interactive comment form below to have a detailed discussion…

Willpower – IELTS Speaking Practice

Determination Determination – IELTS Speaking Practice Question-and-Answer: How much do you believe in the influence of willpower? (Hariri) How much has willpower helped you in your life? (Hariri) How can you increase your resolution in life? Do you think self-discipline is contagious? In other words, can you learn it from other people around you? What…

Conversation 45: Loneliness

Loneliness – IELTS Speaking Practice Loneliness – IELTS Speaking Practice Round Table: What is the difference between being alone and being lonely? (Hossein Hariri) Why do you think people these days are suffering from being lonely, although they are surrounded by many people? (Hossein Hariri) Is isolation always the worst scenario? What could be worse…

Conversation 43: Fashion

Conversation 43: Fashion Relevant Idioms, Proverbs, Expressions, or Quotations: Go out of fashion: stop being fashionable Fashion industry Fashion sensitive brand loyalty: loyalty to special brands of goods Vogue: mode Questions:  1. Is fashion the same as the exploitation of women? 2. To what specific degree are you supposed to be fashion-sensitive? 3. Why are…