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Olfactory – English Flashcard for Olfactory for IELTS

Olfactory - English Flashcard for Olfactory

Olfactory Olfactory /ɒlˈfæk.tər.i/ US /ɑːlˈfæk.ter.i/ (adj) connected to the sense of smell, related to smelling: I believe that the best way to remain a memory is to capture the smell by means of olfactory sensation in order to recall it later and reminisce about it. Olfactory communication is prevalent among the flora and fauna and any odor or scent…

Eye-catching – English Flashcard for Eye-catching

Eye-catching - English flashcard for eye-catching

Eye-catching Eye-catching /ˈaɪˌkætʃ.ɪŋ/ (adj) noticeable and attractive, striking, attention-grabbing, conspicuous, stunning, startling, dazzling, astonishing: Her decorative embellishments seemed eye-catching at first glance, but they were just gaudy ornaments. Owing to urban sprawl, the region was dotted with ostentatious skyscrapers which had dazzling, eye-catching facades.

Conspicuous – English Flashcard for Conspicuous

Conspicuous - English Flashcard for Conspicuous

Conspicuous Conspicuous /kənˈspɪk.ju.əs/ (adj) easily noticeable, easily visible, attracting attention, obvious, exposed, on show, in the limelight, eye-catching, evident, prominent: John’s behavior towards his wife was so uncouth and unsavory that it became quite conspicuous for guests. It is all Greek to me that some try to be conspicuous and showy in every gathering in order to be the center of…

Persian sounds and letters – forms of the Persian alphabet

Persian sounds and letters

Persian sounds and letters Persian sounds and letters Phonics is the most important stage in reading and writing because reading and writing are done alphabetically. The letters of the alphabet are the conventional signs of the sounds. Persian words are written right to left. Also, the Persian alphabet has no upper or lower case and…

Session 6:

Session NO.: #6
 Session Name: (An Unprecedented Session)
o Suggested Key Words: creativity, initiative, productivity, innovativeness, etc.
o Developed by: “Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl”

1. What are some of the activities or thoughts that may kill your creativity or paralyze it a lot?
2. Name some techniques or activities that can help you to become more innovative and creative.
3. What is the significance of being creative in today’s life?
4. In the course of your life, are you becoming more or less creative?
5. In today’s life, can you be really successful and not creative simultaneously?

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