English Vocabulary about Traveling for IELTS

English Vocabulary about Traveling

English Vocabulary about Traveling


voyage, vacation, journey, travel by sea

While we were cruising in the Atlantic ocean, I realized how trivial human beings are!

A cruise around the world can recharge your batteries.

My colleagues are taking a cruise as a shopping excursion.

I would like a cruise around the world.


a short trip for pleasure or purpose

I expect a charming excursion to the local scenery from the tour package.

When it comes to holidays, I would rather go on an excursion than stay home.

Some travel agencies give every detail of their arranged excursions with the help of handbooks.

You can participate in LELB Society’s excursions (English tours) to have face-to-face interaction with the other learners.


Several expeditions have been arranged to find the lost child.

They embarked upon a new expedition in order to familiarize themselves with various cultures.

Field trip

a trip to study something, safari

The best way to learn botany is to go on a field trip with a botanist.

We took a geography field trip to become familiar with the structure and formation of rocks in middle school.

Participating in field trips, the pupils learned the materials more perfectly.

Hit the road 

leave, to begin a trip

He hit the road around the world to look for new things.

We hit the road ahead of schedule due to a broadcast weather alert which indicated a coming storm.

Why do people honeymoon and hit the road after getting married?


trip, break, day out, excursion

A weekend jaunt could help alleviation of sad feelings.

We went to the north of Iran to take a jaunt.

We plan a group jaunt in the town this weekend.

Package tour

when a travel agency organizes your trip in advance by covering transportation, accommodation, meals, and often entertainment

Travel agencies attract customers through a cost-effective package tour.

Package tours can help you build up a rapport with other people.


The rise in sea level reaches the promenade when the tide is in due to the phenomenon of global warming.

Lying on promenades, I tanned and took some vitamin D which suffices for my health.


Carrying essential equipment is a prerequisite for commencing a long trek.

Taking a trek can definitely strengthen your persistence and tolerance.


a long trip in a ship, cruise

Antonio Pigafetta made the first voyage around the world.

A new era of voyages of discovery has started since the first launch of a spacecraft.

Sea voyages give me a sense of purity and spirituality.

About the Author

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hariri Asl is an English and Persian instructor, educator, researcher, inventor, published author, blogger, SEO expert, website developer, entrepreneur, and the creator of LELB Society. He's got a PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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