Essay 6 on Using Creativity in Your Career

innovative LELB Society

Topic: The Role of Creativity in Your Business Life Essayist: Sam In the twenty first centuries, business life being so sophisticated. Creativity can help people to predominant these days complicated life. Creative people might have really life in which they don’t have huge difficulties in their own occupations. It is widely believed that creative people…

Essay 7 on Creativity in Your Business Life

Reading Practice on creativity with flashcards to practice reading and vocabulary for IELTS & TOEFL

Topic: The Role of Creativity in Your Business Life Essayist: Sam Comfortable life is a most important outcome, which might bring festive and satisfaction out of people’s creativity. Returning to the prior example, people’s tendency regarding laziness rises in modern life. To be more precise, in a secluded village in rural areas in which people…

Essay 8 on City Life vs. Country Life

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - an Aesop's Fable at LELB Society to practice vocabulary and listening

Topic: City Life vs. Country Life Essayist: Sam Throughout history, people live everywhere they are able to make suitable life for themselves. Having a nice feeling is a key point whether one opts for city or country life. These days, it is refuted that urban life can guarantee one’s life satisfaction regarding the most important…

Essay 9 on Childhood, Adolescence or Adulthood

IELTS essay on sports with full essay and thorough assessment

Childhood, Adolescence, or Adulthood (which one is more favored by you?) Essayist: Sasan From my vantage point, myriads of points could endorse the fact that adulthood is the most astounding part of anyone’s life, including independence, having a position in the society, and being mature. First and foremost, adults have enough autonomy to act on…

Essay 10 on Comparing Pianos with Electronic Keyboards

Kodi Lee - You Are the Reason

Similarities and Dissimilarities between Pianos and Electronic Keyboards Human begins have shared their beliefs with the state-of-the-art musical instruments since the dawn of invention of the instruments. The pianos as one of the most common keyboard musical instruments and electronic keyboards have their dissimilarities and similarities, which will be juxtaposed by analyzing the both sides.…

Essay 12 on Machine Translation & Language Learning

Using ChatGPT for Learning Languages best practices for English and Perisan students

Topic: Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future? Essayist: Taraneh Computers can translate all the languages well, but it can just translate text word by word, not a whole text perfectly. Therefore, it means that our children should learn foreign languages in order…

Essay 13 on the Age of Retirement

Persian Vocabulary about Jobs & Careers at LELB Society with Video and Podcast for non-Persian Speakers

Topic: In some countries, the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment? Give reasons for your answer. Essayist: Taraneh In my idea, thirty years…

Essay 14: Space Exploration Budget

English Documentary on Space Rockets at LELB Society with Transcript and flashcards for IELTS & TOEFL

Topic: Should money be spent on space exploration? Essayist: Taraneh It is for decades that human beings are so curious about the outer space. In addition, they would even rather scarify their lives to gain knowledge about it. In my book, it is in man’s nature to explore their environment. So what is wrong with…

Essay 15 on the Importance of Education in Society

IELTS essay on education with full essay and analysis

Topic: Education is the single most important factor in the development of each country. Discuss it. Essayist: Akbar In historical, humans learn any thinks and transfer for other person in order to better lives. However, development of any country form all time and place in basics thinks such as economy, political and society depend of…

Essay 17: Computer Dependency in Modern Life

Technology 1100 Words You Need Week 1 Day 2

Topic: We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Essayist: Taraneh Nowadays, computer is an indispensable tool…